Assuming I don't spy for a while.
I plan to buy a very good looking car four door. Not because of field service but becuase I have grown to like sporty four door cars. (Notice the underline SPORTY) then I am going to purchace the last suit I will ever wear. I will make sure to look like a million dollars then I will fake a renewed vigor just long enough to get up to MS and attract the ladies. Then pick the one best looking one that sounds like she wants out.
Then of course I will just when they say hey you wanna be an elder I will say yes then the night the read my apointment letter. I will get up not make a sound and never be seen again. Hopefully taking the the lovely lady out of the hell, and in to my safe arms away from that crap forever.
Never happen but just sounded so good when I was thinking it up. That and I wanted to practice writing a good story.