Interesting hypothetical scenario

by Junction-Guy 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • Junction-Guy

    Reading about Eisenhower being raised in the WT Society got me to thinking about something.

    What if an XJW (an Apostate too) were to run for president? Do you think the governing body would all of a sudden have a flash of new light and allowing voting, with the purpose of voting against the XJW candidate?

    What do you think?

    What else do you think they would do?

  • bluebell

    They'd ignore it.

  • Junction-Guy

    You think they would?

  • jaguarbass

    That flash of new light can come at any time and anything is liable to come from it. Having said that, I'll say this. I don't see why they would care if the president was an ex jw or not. From my perspective its hard to immagine how someone would go from being a witness to becoming so political that they could run for president. Clinton said that he wanted to be president since he was a young boy. And Bush the idiot, his father King George 1 wanted him to be King long before he became a coke head and a drunk. I don't see it as a very likely scenario. And as time goes on the only canidates for your scenario will be Mexicans and immigrants who are not connected to the information super highway. These are the most likely new recruits to be witnoids, and unless Arnold cracks the nut. You have to be born in the United States to be el Presidente. On the topic of Eisenhower. From my perspective I dont see how one could be raised as a witness and then go in the military at least not durning my era 50's-70's. Eisenhower probably would have been 20's 30's, 40's. I have never read anything about Eisenhower being an appostate. I read that his mother was a witness. If she was a witness, what kind of witness. One who showed up infrequently maybe a memorial witness. One that didnt raise her son as a witness? That makes me wonder. Did he grow up living with his father and never go to meetings, was he rebellious? The rebellious part doesnt jibe with his becoming a general. Someone who rises thru the ranks as Eisenhower did, I would think would be a follower and not a rebell. When Eisenhower let the world know his witnoid connections the tower hadnt developed the negative stigma they now have. Eisenhower may have thought his witnoid connection were a campaign point to show himself to be diversified as a warrior and a bible thumper. I don't know. I have never been able to comprehend his witnoid connections. But the world is always changing and that includes the witnoids and their amazing flashing light.

  • OnTheWayOut
    its hard to immagine how someone would go from being a witness to becoming so political that they could run for president.

    A person could be an active or inactive dub, and the country got involved in a conflict, say the Iraq War,
    at the time he approached 18 or 19 years of age, and coincidentally was questioning the WTS doctrines.
    Because he questioned those doctrines, his inevitable DF was coming, so he joined the military. His
    views of politics started developing from the time he joined the military. The rest is history.

    That could easily happen to someone, making him a politician after being a dub.

    The WTS would try to ignore him, but if he took shots at the JW's or at his upbringing as one,
    they would put out articles about apostates and those who abandon Jehovah. They would
    offer an official statement to any attack in a generic way. They would not directly badmouth the
    President or the candidate.

  • Junction-Guy

    Thank you for the responses. Alot of XJW's are politically minded, and Im sure there are some, who if they had the right backing and some money would run for president. But it doesnt happen overnight, usually they run and are elected to lower offices first.

    As for Eisenhower, Im not sure the specifics about his inolvement with the WT Society, but I have known for years that his mother was a bible student. I would imagine that Eisenhower was raised in it before WW1, and probably back in the days when they still allowed voting and military service. , The bible students pre-WW1 were probably not seen as unpatriotic as they were during WW1 and WW2.

    Back when Eisenhower was attending meetings (if he ever did) it was so much different then, they were allowed to do much more and they were allowed to get an education and pursue careers. Eisenhower probably had it much easier than we did, and by the time he left it all, it didnt leave him scarred.

  • blondie

    Dwight Eisenhower was never baptized as a JW or a Bible Student. Neither were any of his siblings. The idea of studying/indoctrinating one's children was not a common practice then. While his mother continued as a Bible Student and later JW, his father stopped going around 1914/1915 because of failed prophecy although he was given a JW funeral. Dwight (born in 1890) and his siblings stopped attending regularly about the same time their father did.

    It would not be in keeping with their past and current beliefs to suddenly vote for someone just because they used to be a JW.


    Eisenhower was baptized, confirmed, and became a communicant in the Presbyterian church in a single ceremony on February 1, 1953, just weeks after his first inauguration as president. In his retirement years, he was a member of the Gettysburg Presbyterian Church in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.
  • Junction-Guy

    Thanks Blondie, my point was just the opposite. What if an XJW candidate ran for office, and the WT perceived them to be a threat, and this was a high profile office such as congress or president? One million newly registered voters could help sway an election in the WT's favor and against the XJW candidate.

  • carla

    Thinking of throwing you hat in the ring Juction? Why not? Everybody else is!

  • Junction-Guy

    No not me, too many life issues Im dealing with right now. But oh how I wish that there were some XJW out there with alot of money and connections who would be willing to run for congress or president. That would be my ultimate dream come true.

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