Have witnesses been informed about the statement on the inside cover of WT regarding 1914 is no longer an issue. Do they realise that the statement has been removed? I was in the supermarket and a brother from my old congo asked what hall I attended now. Of course the full beard never gave a clue as to my no longer being in the Org.
I had a talk wiith him as to my beliefs no longer being of the WTS. Gave a few examples as to reasons why I no longer believe, one of them being the changing with regard to 1914, and it no longer being an issue about the end of the system, that generation not passing away until all those things having occured. He stated that nothing had changed. I tried to help understand that the statement no longer exist, but has been convieniently swept under the rug. Isn't this open knowledge among all witnesses, or are some still under the guise that nothing has changed with regard to 1914.