
by Ephesians6 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • Ephesians6

    Baptism and the Holly Spirit;
    Why is it that only 144,000 of J.W’s have the Holly spirit at Baptism, and the rest do not? There are two classes in the organization, some lesser and some greater. This is not what Jesus taught.
    *** it-1 253-4 Baptism ***
    Likewise those who undergo Christian baptism become God’s property, his slaves, to employ as he sees fit. (1Co 6:20) An example of God’s direction of such matters is found in Revelation, where reference is made to a definite number of persons finally “sealed,” namely, 144,000. (Re 7:4-8) Even before such final approval, God’s Holy Spirit serves as a seal that gives those sealed a token in advance of their inheritance, a heavenly one. (Eph 1:13, 14; 2Co 5:1-5) He also told these having such a hope: “God has set the members in the body [of Christ], each one of them, just as he pleased.”—1Co 12:18, 27.
    Jesus called attention to another group when he said: “I have other sheep, which are not of this fold; those also I must bring, and they will listen to my voice, and they will become one flock, one shepherd.” (Joh 10:16) These are not of the “little flock” (Lu 12:32), but they too must approach Jehovah through Jesus Christ and be baptized in water.
    *** w72 4/15 239 Laying the Foundations for God's New Order ***
    30 Those prophetic words make it certain that this dedicated, baptized “great crowd” are in favor of God’s “new heavens,” made up of the Lamb Jesus Christ and his 144,000 faithful disciples who have been given the “new birth” to that heavenly inheritance. (Rev. 7:1-8; also ÞRe Ü21:1-14) They get their death-dealing sins washed away through washing their robes in the “blood of the Lamb.” This puts them on the way to everlasting life in an Edenic garden with which the “new heavens” will beautify the whole earthly globe.
    There is nothing selective in Baptism. We all receive the Holly Spirit at this time. There is nothing that claims two different Baptisms. The Bible does not teach haves and have nots.

  • Naeblis

    And what's the deal with the white t-shirts? Did Jesus have a deal with Fruit of the Loom or something? What's the deal with THAT?

  • radar


    In essence you have learned this so far: That the Bible can lead to confusion among those who seek truth from the Bible.

    Now take the next step and ask why this "God of love and Order" as let this confusion to exist among those who seek him?


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