I have to say that I am often surprised at the speed with which arguments and opinions on this Board often become a conflagration worthy of the Russian Parliament.
Randy Watters made the interesting point on another post recently, that this behavior was the nature of these types of Boards and I have to begrudgingly agree with him. I wish it were not so, as like Voltaire I tend to think that ‘weakness on both sides, is, as we know, the trait of all quarrels.’ Many of the quarrels that take place on the board I have noticed have little to do with differing viewpoint, or developing debates, but more to do with hurt feelings, misuse of words, deliberate provocation, and often downright mischief.
Many of us have become ‘screen junkies’, having developed our habit through such sites as these. They are hard to avoid as those who quit and return on a repeated basis will attest to, and one thing is certain, the future will see a massive growth in on-line digital relationships. We are on the first rungs of this digital ladder. Perhaps we are the Pioneers of the discussion boards, God knows we all get our 'time in'!
There are certain things that can be done I believe to minimize the amount of personal upsets that take place here. In my chosen industry, the music world, I belong to a discussion group made up of long term professional musician’s, quite often bitter enemies,. Some have lost wives or business contracts to others ( most of them would view the latter as more important! ) but I have yet to watch a conversation descend to the level of spitefulness and vulgarity that ours often do. Why not?
I have my own ideas, but why do you think this is so?
Best to you all - HS
Harlequin came at night,
bound to the ghosts in Freedom Square...' PFM
edited for repeeted spelinn mastaykes.