How do I use the "Anointed are nothing special" info

by OnTheWayOut 9 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • OnTheWayOut

    The recent thread about the upcoming QFR on the anointed,
    discusses the possibilities on what the Borg are up to.
    Okay, whatever, but I want to use the information to my advantage. When the mag comes out, what should
    I say to my wife (faithful JW) or what should others say to a JW they care about?

    I don't want to let this go, so that they can tell the faithful later that Governing Body members ARE SPECIAL.
    The article said in part:

    However, genuine anointed Christians do not demand special attention. They do not believe that their being of the anointed gives them special "insights," beyond what even some experienced members of the great crowd may have. They do not believe that they necessarily have more holy spirit than their companions of the other sheep have; nor do they expect special treatment or claim that their partaking of the emblems places them above the appointed elders in the congregation. They humbly remember that some anointed men in the first century did not qualify to serve as elders or ministerial servants.

    Here's my thought-

    "Look at this article. Didn't the organization always say that the remnant are feeding us the proper food at the proper time?
    Don't they tell us that these anointed were put in charge of all the belongings of the Lord? What does it mean that they don't
    believe being anointed gives them special insight beyond the great crowd? How should this affect our understanding of what
    the WT says from now on? Do we need to examine everything for ourselves in light of scripture, since they don't necessarily
    have more holy spirit than you or I?"

    Your thoughts, please.

  • Pahpa

    On The Way Out

    Do you think this information could be more for the consumption of those congregations that still have "anointed" members? They have always played a very minor role compared to those "anointed" ones who are in the leadership. Perhaps, the underlying message is not to elevate those individuals in the congregations since the real direction is from those "anointed" leaders at the headquarters.

    Since there has been an increase of those partaking in recent years, this may be a subtle hint to them that they are no better than the rank and file members who hold the "earthly hope" even though the scriptures indicate that the holy spirit has revealed their special calling as children of God and according to Watchtower doctrine, they alone have Christ as their mediator.

  • garybuss

    For a true believer no proof is needed, for a skeptic, no amount of proof is sufficient.

  • M.J.

    Maybe you can lead into it this way. Question why they were so assertive about the completion of anointed in 1935 to begin with for all these years, when apparently, it was something too ambiguous scripturally to be sure about all along? Why has it taken over seventy years for them to come around to admit that there was no basis for them to be sure about it in the first place? And why did *we* take them on their word, when it in fact was too ambiguous scripturally to be sure about? Was it because we thought they had scriptural insight on the matter that was impossible for us to comprehend? But the article says that the anointed have no more insight than the rest of us....

    go from there?

    Just a thought.

  • What-A-Coincidence

    <<<se avatar

  • OnTheWayOut
    And why did *we* take them on their word, when it in fact was too ambiguous scripturally to be sure about?
    Was it because we thought they had scriptural insight on the matter that was impossible for us to comprehend?
    But the article says that the anointed have no more insight than the rest of us....

    "So up until this article came out, they told us that as God's channel of communication, they knew that
    the calling for anointed was generally over in 1935, but now they admit they didn't know because they
    have no special insight."

    You know, I don't expect a conversation that will make a JW up and quit (would be nice, though) but,
    I am really looking for a simple little ZINGER. One of those- "Doesn't this mean..." or "How could they..."

  • zack

    This will open the mind of some who like you and i were intellectually ready to listen. I had lunch with a great JW friend only two days ago and

    brought up this issue. This is a JW that is just wanting "permission" to leave the Org, However, this friend's response to me after much conversation

    was; "Jehovah is using an Org. and this is the best one i available."

    Honestly, how can one argue intelligently with that reasoning, when even people like this friend of mine reduce God to picking the lesser of one evil over other evils?


  • UnDisfellowshipped

    Jesus said that the "Faithful & Discreet Slave" would be feeding the Christians their food at the proper time. The Watchtower Society teaches that the "Faithful Slave" is a class made up of all 144,000 of the Anointed Ones. Yet, the Watchtower Society only allows the Anointed ones at Bethel (such as the Governing Body) to teach the congregations or receive "new light," even though Jesus said that the Faithful Slave (which is ALL 144,000 Anointed Ones) would be the one teaching the congregations.

    So, why does the Watchtower Society only allow around 10 (the Governing Body) of the 8,000+ living Anointed Ones to provide spiritual food or new light to the congregations?

    Also, if the Anointed Ones do not have any extra Holy Spirit than the Great Crowd, why can't the Great Crowd receive new light from God?

    Perhaps one of the best questions you could ask would be this: --- Why did God choose the Governing Body to receive new light? What made the Governing Body so special? What qualifications do they have that the other Anointed or other sheep do not have? Why are they elevated above the other 8,000+ Anointed Ones? Shouldn't all of the living Anointed Ones be involved in providing food at the proper time?

  • geevee

    Yeah, I think that there needs to be lots of questions on the GB and why they have a "special" place in the "channel" os spirit over the rest of the "annointed".
    If they are the same and no better that appointed elders [who appointed them anyway?] then what the hell is eveyone one doing listening to them. Maybe I have the new light! Just havent released it yet!
    In reality, there is as much spirit on the GB as there is on any body of elders. The majority vote wins.....every time.
    It is a consensus thing. That is all.

  • garybuss

    The reason the Governing Body rules is because of the Golden Rule . . . he with the gold rules. The Governing Body has the gold and by that alone . . . they rule.

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