There was an interesting comment from a British MP about the ill effects of pedophile hysteria. Currently there are many instances where men are guilty until proven innocent and it's starting to impact society.
90% of all all teachers from grades JK to 3 are women. Men are accused or afraid of an accusation ruining their career that most will avoid these grades completely.
Big Brother programs are critically under supported due to the image that the only grown men that would spend time with young boys are perverts.
Boy scout programs are suffering in the same way
So are sports coaches
So the question comes up, is the hysteria warranted? Do you even see it as a problem?
Pedophile Hysteria
by Paralipomenon 7 Replies latest jw friends
Just another way for them to inflict fear on society. A fearful society is a subservient one. So many others; knife crime, gun crime, terrorism, hoodies, etc
It is a big problem, because kids are learning that they can manipulate the system by lying about something like that. Like if they don't get along with a male teacher/coach, they can just fabricate this awful story about him touching them, and that will end his career, true or not.
BUT, at the same time, if it DIDN'T work this way (guilty until proven innocent), the pervs out there would prey on kids even more.
Its one of those catch-22's.
Scripturally, I'm reminded of Matthew 11:18-19, where Jesus talked about how John was slandered against for what he did, and when Jesus did the opposite, He was slandered as well. But in verse 19, "wisdom is proved right by her actions" (NIV). That being the case, these men being accused should be examined by their colleagues and co-workers as to whether or not the evidence of their daily life indicates that they could have tendencies to molest children.
"That being the case, these men being accused should be examined by their colleagues and co-workers as to whether or not the evidence of their daily life indicates that they could have tendencies to molest children."
But once the accusation has been made it's too late. No one will beleive or accept it if the accused is found not guilty. The thinking will be "He got off because___________. I have seen it happen already.
I would definitely be concerned about false accusations. Any teacher who is behind a closed door alone with any child - male or female - is asking for trouble. They would do well to NEVER be alone with anybody's kid, just for their own protection. (Like the JW urban legend I heard years ago about how a "sister" was in the back room with a "brother" and she tore open her blouse and screamed and gave the impression he sexually assaulted her. He was then df'd and she later had a breakdown and retracted her accusation).
While I can understand people being afraid of a false accusation which can ruin their life, not to mention their career, the welfare of children has to come first. For too many years it has been open season on children, with pedophiles thinking their deeds will never see the light of day. Every time you turn on the television you are hearing about some child who is molested and you see news expose stories of sex tours to Southeast Asian countries where men can have sex with children for a few dollars. This leads me to believe that children would be preyed upon even more if people could get away with it.
To play devil's advocate here:
The prison population in the USA is disproportionately black. Could we then state that it would be safer for people in general if we just treated all black people like criminals?
Why is it repulsive to consider racism as a cure to crime but not sexism as a cure to child molesting? -
I don't know the answer to your question but I can say this, if your answer is bassed on government statistics or even just statistics, I'd be very leary. The statistic compilers weight the data to make their desired point.
like need proof says
Just another way for them to inflict fear on society. A fearful society is a subservient one. So many others; knife crime, gun crime, terrorism, hoodies, etc In my opinion, there are deffinitely vested interst groups out there that are determined to controll the masses.
I agree that there is a societal problem affecting otherwise good programs. Unfortunately, the pedophile issues have gone un-addressed for so many decades, and even centuries in some places, that we are going to have to suffer unfairness and injustice for a time until the problem is brought into some level of control. I hope it is sooner than later.
Jim Whitney