It has been 15-years now since I walked away from the JWs, and 12-years since my disassociation. It is time to do some reflecting in short posts, and check my mental bearings.
The Forbidden Zone:
A week or two ago I watched Planet of the Apes again for the 10th time. I saw many comparisons between the JWs (apes) and the humans (apostates) in a strange sort of way. I was impressed at what was referred to by the chief Ape scientist as the Forbidden Zone ... a place that no Ape is permitted to go. Of course, on the surface the Forbidden Zone appeared dangerous and frightening ... and thus the warning seems justified. Yet, in the second movie, it turns out that once the forbidden zone is breached, it leads one to discover the truth about both human and simeon history and how the earth became the way it is. Of course, the Ape leadership did not want the average Ape to learn of this history. All this changed when humans from the past travel to the future and end up exposing the hard reality to themselves and the Apes. Of course, even when the truth is discovered, the Ape leaders cover it up and refuse to let it be known to the other Apes ... and, they forbid any discussion and scientific exploration into the matter.
The comparisons are obvious and need no development by me. But, I have noticed another trend that is affecting society somewhat, and it seems to affect ex-JWs ... that is the discussion of politics and social issues. We seem fairly able to have open and objective discussion of religious issues, especially when it comes to exposing the Forbidden Zone about the JWs and their past ... but, that is where the objectivity seems to end. I hope that we all have sufficiently learned the lessons of holding to ideologies is fine to a limit, but that is should never steal our ability to talk freely, openly, fairly, objectively, honestly, and kindly about any topic. Simon and crew seem to have done a decent job of dealing with some who are just plain socially disagreeable ... so this board is fairly calm compared to what has happened in the past ... but, I still see this inability to be civil on other forums.
May we always feel free to travel the Forbidden Zones of life and never let anyone or anything hinder our freedom, and may we never hinder our own freedom among ourselves.
Next is Count-Down 9 to be posted tomorrow:
Jim Whitney