Sorry if this has already been posted.'s+19-year+reign+of+terror/
What a great witness
by Raven1963 6 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Frannie Banannie
this has already been posted.
Yes, it has. No worries. Just flip back a few pages under active topics and you'll see it.
Welcome to the board, Raven.
Cellist -
Frannie Banannie
Yep, I forgot my manners.
Welcome to the JWD forum, Raven!
Tell us as much about yourself as you're comfortable with revealing.
Thanks for the welcome. My story is really nothing special. Everyone here has sadly heard it told in one form or another many times over.
I was a witness in Georgia from 1990 to about 2000. Moved out of state and lost my witness "support" system. Started snooping around on the
evil internet and the next thing you know I'm out (never df'ed or da'ed) and all my lifelong friends are MIA. Oh well, I did have some good times
while I was in, but I'm also glad I didn't spend 50 or 60 years in before my eyes were opened.
Do you have family that is still "in"? That's the hardest part for most, that and the "unconditioning" especially for those that where raised in it. Trying to find reality, realizing "worldy" people aren't evil, getting a social life... facing death without paradise...
I guess the question is.. what brings you to JWD? Just knowing that there are others out there, like myself, who have gotten past this religion and have "normal" lives can be a help. I know that's the biggest draw for me.
Oh, and that woman in the news, seen it before, but can't say it enough times... SCARY!!! She is so psycho looking!!!! She creeps me out!!
Black Sheep
Thanks for the 'heads up' Raven.....
....and welcome to the board.