There are many wild stories circulating like this one - and the remarkable thing is that they often come
from individuals with high security clearances and significant backgrounds in the military , including
some who were directly responsible for manning nuclear weapons!
No one can prove any of this stuff, but that's not my precise point. My point is that they are
explanations that are no less viable or 'unbelievable' than the Bible itself. We can't know
what circumstances involving "angels", "demons", "aliens" or whatever really prevails
in the universe. Stuck on this earth, that's just how it is.
The other point I wish to make is a prediction: Cultural acceptance of the idea of aliens
visiting earth is going to grow and become a casual fact, especially outside of the
United States. This will happen because the hegemony or influence of the US is
going to diminish and power will shift to Asian nations and secular Europeans
who have NO Problem with the concept of extraterrestrials.