Extraterrestrials and the Bible part Two

by metatron 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron



    There are many wild stories circulating like this one - and the remarkable thing is that they often come

    from individuals with high security clearances and significant backgrounds in the military , including

    some who were directly responsible for manning nuclear weapons!

    No one can prove any of this stuff, but that's not my precise point. My point is that they are

    explanations that are no less viable or 'unbelievable' than the Bible itself. We can't know

    what circumstances involving "angels", "demons", "aliens" or whatever really prevails

    in the universe. Stuck on this earth, that's just how it is.

    The other point I wish to make is a prediction: Cultural acceptance of the idea of aliens

    visiting earth is going to grow and become a casual fact, especially outside of the

    United States. This will happen because the hegemony or influence of the US is

    going to diminish and power will shift to Asian nations and secular Europeans

    who have NO Problem with the concept of extraterrestrials.


  • proplog2

    I think Iraq is a good example of why Aliens don't come to earth and impose order.

    The US got rid of Sadaam. No democracy. Why? They aren't ready for it. Order emerges when people realize that they have to get their shit together or everyone will die.

    Iraq will not stabilize as one country. The cintrifugal forces are too great.

    Earth will not be ready until the human race comes within a hairs distance of killing itself.

    If aliens came and started flashing their technology and imposing order you would just create a dangerous planetary civilization.

    I think it is interesting that the Bible mentions a Sky Court that destroys "the final earthly empire" but allows the rest of the nations to continue to exist.

    Daniel 7:10c "The Court took its seat, and there were books that were opened. (11) I kept on beholding until the beast was killed and its body was destroyed and it was given to the burning fire. BUT (12) as for the rest of the beasts their rulerships were taken away and there was a lengthening in life given to them for a time and a season."

    This scenario is repeated in Daniel 7:26 "And the Court itself proceeded to sit, and his own rulership they finally took away, in order to annihilate him and to destroy him totally."

    The language of the the next verse is interesting because it indicates that there will still be other rulerships on earth: "Their kingdom is an indefinitely lasting kingdom, and ALL RULERSHIPS will serve and obey them"

    This coincides with the language of the Stone that is formed without hands that strikes the last of the world powers (Probably the crumbling Russian Empire) and then the process of overtaking the earth is illustrated by the stone growing into a mountain that fills the whole earth."

    Sounds pretty Starwars like to me.

  • IP_SEC
    influence of the US is

    going to diminish and power will shift to Asian nations and secular Europeans

    who have NO Problem with the concept of extraterrestrials.


    What makes you think USAers are any different from Euros or Asians in being accepting of the concept of ETs?.

  • metatron

    speak of the Devil !


    The US is different because 1) the US wants to more or less control the world - and they fear a

    collapse of civilization if UFO reality is exposed ----- and 2) The US may be the most religious

    culture among Western nations and is often strongly influenced by conservative Christians.

    Proplog, I strongly agree that Iraq and Zimbabwe are excellent examples why ET's ( if they

    exist) don't land on the UN lawn or try to overtly 'fix' the human race. They know better.


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