So I was talking to my wife's cousin and she was talkin about how she saw something in the news about Sex offenders in her area. She didn't know how to find them. So I pull up the Megan's Law website for her state and give her the addresses of 4 sex offenders in her area. Well.... One of the addresses was her address!!!!! Her roommate is a convicted sex offender that raped a 17 year old and was also convicted of aggravated assault in 1999. Now she is all freaked out about it. Pretty scary huh?! Just thought I would share.
Scary thing with my cousin in-law
by roflcopter 4 Replies latest jw friends
Wow! Very scary! Are you helping her find a new home?
Is she going to leave (eventually)?
Yeah she is going to be leaving. Not much I can do to help her out considering she is 3000 miles away. But she's a real trooper and shouldn't have a problem.
Frannie Banannie
DAY-um!!! I hope she gets the flock outta there pronto!