What Exactly are the Governing Body Members of the Jehovah's Witnesses trying to sell themselves As ?

by Finkelstein 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Finkelstein

    The Watchtower Corporation has been in existence for over 100 years now, originally headed by Presidents and slew of recognized executive directors known as Governing Body members.

    In 1919 the then President of the WTS J Rutherford proclaimed that God has exclusively chosen him and the WTS as its earthly chosen organization among all other Christian based faiths.

    Was this just a calculated self marketing ploy to create validation and to draw attention to the WTS published works ? The GB today still uses the assertion that god is backing this organization with that attaining exclusivity by God, Jehovah blesses are work and Jehovah had offered this, is constant reiterated in about every talk during most JWS meetings.

    Is this just intentional adverse brainwashing ?

    At one point in my involvement with this organization, I asked how could God back this organization when it so fraudulently commercial and deviously corrupt within that purported commercialization. ??


    What Exactly are the Governing Body Members of the Jehovah's Witnesses trying to sell themselves As ?

    .............................Image result for Watchtower Logo

    Image result for Rock Stars Logo

    ......................................Image result for Watchtower governing body


  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot
    They're trying to look modern, in tune with the times.
  • Finkelstein

    At one time the WTS leaders self identified themselves as modern day prophets chosen by god, please read this article in its entirety.

  • Vidiot

    Rock stars usually have some measure of musical talent, Outlaw.


    Visually, I'm reminded of those older pics of Herbert Armstrong.

    Or Dick Cheney.

  • flipper
    They're trying to sell themselves as the " final authority " on everything that 8 million JW's need to know to survive. They are trying to be God, Jehovah, and Jesus Christ all wrapped into one
  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower

    They are trying to sell themselves as caring loving old grampa's that have only the best interest of the flock they have been chosen by Jehovah to guide to an everlasting reward and so they must be listened to and obeyed.

    I think that represents a sorta corporate motto for these over the hill delusionalist.

  • Finkelstein

    The perceived power of the GB men shouldn't be undermined, the power of god in their minds is within themselves or at least the containing perception as a whole is internally appealing .

    The GB are highly lotted group of men and they hold a formidable amount of stature and privilege within the organization itself, from that they are inherently pressed to sustain that prevailed position .

    Critiquing these individuals who are in position today and from the past, one can see lying corrupt opportunists , self absorbed ignorant propagandists, set about to sustain the organization of which they hold their own privileged stature.

  • Hairtrigger
    The whores of Babylon! According to their own interpretation of Babylon!!
  • prologos
    Vidiot: Music talent? Pick David Splane, the new songs most likely are his handy work tickling the ivory.

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