To the Household of God, Israel, and all those that go with... may you have peace!
There are many in the WTBTS who “partake” and profess to be “of the anointed,” there is, in truth, however, NO TRUE anointed in the WTBTS. There cannot be, for the admonition is:
"Turn away, turn away, get of there, touch NOTHING unclean; get out from the midst of her, keep yourselves clean, you who are carrying the utensils of JAH.”Dear ones, the institution that is WTBTS is a golden calf and thus, the “unclean” thing that is being “touched.” Unclean how? By means of their teachings of hatred (against anything and anyone that is not “like” them) and their “leaven” (the hypocrisy that permeates the “entire lump”).
The WTBTS is nothing more than a surrogate and type of pedagogue, run by "hired men" (the Governing Body) who, like the Pharisees of early days, commissioned themselves (vs. being appointed by God) to look after God’s sheep. Unfortunately, these actually turn God's sheep over to wolves ("elders," "overseers," and their ilk).
“The hired man, who is NO shepherd and to whom the sheep do NOT belong, beholds the wolf coming and abandons the sheep and flees – and the wolf snatches them and scatters them – because he is a hired man and does not care for the sheep.”
Why is this “hired man” allowed? Because like many small child, some of the sheep don’t have the Law “written on their hearts” – i.e., an inherent understanding of right and wrong – but, like Israel, must be taught right from wrong. Such teaching is based on the Law (right) from transgression (wrong).
"So long as the heir is a BABE, he is under men in charge until the day his father appointed beforehand."
And the WTBTS is the right “hired man” to do it, by virtue of their unyielding (but, unfortunately, self-condemning) attempt to adhere and hold their followers accountable to the Law. Although they don’t adhere perfectly to it, they certainly know and teach it.
“The scribes (writers/copiers of Law – i.e., Watchtower Writing Department) and Pharisees (non-anointed, self-proclaimed teachers of the Law – i.e., elder, overseers, Committee Members, etc.) have seated themselves in the seat of Moses (one and only mediator between God and people of Israel of the Law/Old Covenant; replaced by Christ, one and only mediator between God and ALL mankind of the NEW Covenant). Therefore, all the things they TELL you, do and observe, but do not DO according to their deeds, for they SAY but do not perform.”
Why do the sheep need to be taught the Law? Well, if they don’t have the Law written on their hearts, it is so that they can know what “sin” is, so that sin is made manifest to them. Why do they need to know what sin is? The reasons are very simple:
1. So that they do not transgress against God
2. So that they do not transgress against their brother
3. So that they do not transgress against their neighbor
4. So that they do not transgress against their enemy
5. So that if they do transgress against God, they can ask God for forgiveness
6. So that if they do transgress against their brother, they can ask their brother for forgiveness
7. So that if they do transgress against their neighbor, they can ask their neighbor for forgiveness
8. So that if they do transgress against their enemy, they can ask their enemy for forgiveness
And most importantly,
9. So that if their brother, neighbor or enemy transgresses against THEM, they can FORGIVE such brother, neighbor or enemy
For truly, if one doesn’t know what it is to transgress against another (and thus, what it is to have another transgress against one), one cannot ask for… or grant… forgiveness).
So, the sheep have been allowed to learn the Law, first, to help avoid transgressing it if and when possible (and request forgiveness when it is not possible) and, second, so that we can surpass it when we are transgressed against.
“If we make the statement we have no sin, we are misleading ourselves and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and righteous so as to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we make the statement ‘We have not sinned,’ we are making him a liar, and his word is not in us. My little children, I am writing you these things that you may not commit a sin. AND YET… if anyone DOES commit a sin, we have a helper with the Father, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, a righteous one.”
However, once a person truly receives holy spirit, then their eyes are OPENED and they SEE, among other things, that what they are "touching" is "unclean"… and they get away from it. Unclean due to its hypocrisy (which they regretfully practice) and teaching of hatred of anyone for any reason (which they vehemently do).
Those that ARE in the WTBS and profess to be "anointed" are actually "harlots"... and members of Babylon the Great... she who commits "fornication" with the kings... of the earth (and no, this is NOT secular governments, but those who profess to be "kings" while "keeping their minds upon the things on the earth" (i.e., "princes"... elders and their ilk... who profess an "earthly" hope).
They are harlots because they profess to HAVE a husbandly owner, One who purchased them with his blood, Christ. Supposedly, they are HIS bride... and thus should follow HIS law... HIS commandments... to love God, neighbor AND enemy... and so should have no "relation" with any other "owner." That they follow the laws of "the Society," however, demonstrates that they do in fact have another owner, and an exacting one, at that. They are “joined” to the “hired man” and the “kings of the earth” set up by such man, so that they are “one” with them… and not one with Christ.
“These are the ones that did NOT defile themselves with women…”Babylon the Great is the “mother” of harlots… and she consists of those who received holy spirit, but rejected the law (of Christ, which law is love) of that spirit for the law of another “man” (anyone other than the Christ, and particularly our Adversary), or those who profess some kind of “divine” spirit. Her “daughters” ... the "women"... are the RELIGIONS set up by such ones (the “offspring” of those who profess to have some kind of divine spirit…but who, in truth, are “false prophets and false christs”… and use such to set up “false lights” to “mislead, if possible, even the chosen ones”).
Don’t get me wrong: while it is true that those in the WTBTS may have been CALLED while in that organization, and received an initial bit of “eyesalve”, if they remain after such calling and REVELATION they are merely “false christs.”
“Many are called…”
“The doorkeeper opens to this one and the sheep listen to HIS voice, and he calls his own sheep by name and LEADS THEM OUT.”
This is because their “sealing” does not take place until AFTER they have separated themselves and QUIT touching the unclean thing
In TRUTH, dear ones, one cannot touch something unclean and remain clean; however, one CAN touch the One that IS clean… and by means of HIM… BECOME clean… and as a result all things that such one touches thereafter becomes clean:“But FEW… are chosen.”
“Therefore, get out from among them and separate yourselves,’” says JAH, “and QUIT touching the unclean thing, and I will take you in.”
“All things are clean to clean persons. But to persons defiled (unclean, by means of hatred and hypocrisy) and faithless (I won’t even go into that one!), NOTHING is clean, but both their minds AND their consciences are defiled. They publicly declare they know God… but they DISOWN Him… by their works… because they are detestable and disobedient and not approved for good work of any sort.”
This is not speaking about common sinners, dear ones, but haters and hypocrites. Those who eat of the “leaven… of the Pharisees,” which we were warned from “partaking” of.
May those with ears hear… and get the sense of it.
Servant to the Household of God, Israel, and all those who go with… and a slave of Christ, to time indefinite,