Thank you to everyone for their thoughts and opinions about leaving my son alone with his Dub grandparents. Now I'm wondering how upfront with them I should be. I have a lot of mixed emotions about this. It would be satisfying to tell them exactly how brainwashed I think they are, but I also think that would be petty and small of me. At the same time though, it's difficult to keep sidestepping and making excuses for why they can't keep him for a sleepover or whatever. What does everyone think?
How honest to be with JW Grandparents
by brunnhilde 1 Replies latest jw friends
First, were you direct with them initially about not taking the child to the meetings? If so, then remind them of your request and that they did not heed it even though they said they would.
Second, show that your trust in them has been greatly damaged, and that you are not sure you can believe them in this matter.
Third, until they have demonstrated that you can trust them to your satisfaction, you must insist on being there with him at all times to assure that your request is followed.
Fourth, I would skip all the rest re the doctrinal differences. It really doesn't pertain. You are the parent and have the ultimate responsibility for taking care of your child. If your father were an alcoholic, it would not be wise to let him be around him especially if your mother would let your father drive drunk or would not refuse to let your child go with him. I'm not saying he is an alcoholic, but you have to protect your child from what you perceive as abuse.
I do have abusive JW parents and would never let my children be alone with them. I wouldn't even if they weren't JWs and were abusive.
Love, Blondie