Watch THIS and give your opinion.
At least SOME people still care about humanity...
by SixofNine 6 Replies latest jw friends
Bwaha. I wonder, is angelina jolie's baby real? S Ps, oops, i feel so naughty.
Brilliant! I love Stephen Merchant though - he really doesnt have to say anything at all - he just is physically a very bery funny man. (he's the tall one with glasses)
Hilarious. Now that's my type of humor. The U2 tape/unmasking was a great setup! "It's the singles collection. You can find it in the stores now." LOL!
I was just getting ready to turn it off then it really began!! THAT IS HILARIOUS!!!!! TOTALLY!!
When my mother grew up in the 40's in Atlanta Georgia, it seemed pretty much like Africa on the video. My mother said she used to eat dirt. I remember visiting Atlanta in the 50's and the children would eat raw potatoes, mustard sandwiches. People had chickens in their yards. Why should I feel sorry for people in Africa who arent brainwashed by the tv to buy all kinds of stupid thing that they don't need and cant afford? If Africa ever gets on their feet, I mean joins the rat race, they will just be one more country to compete with the us for oil, and for our jobs. Every country the United States bails out ends up screwing the USA. Let Europe, China, Japan and Rusia and particularly Israel take over for the United States on Humanitarian aid. Which I guess is what your video is expousing. Just kind of hard for me to get the humor and the funny accents.
If poverty is not having electricity and tv and living a simple life, I'm not really touched. If there are too many Africans for the amount of African resources, the african governments need to make birth control a top priority. If Africa wants to help the world they should build vehicles that dont require oil. If Africa helps the world in some way the world will help Africa.
If people in Africa need health care, basic health care minus the profits to the international corporations is pretty cheap. Antiobiotics do wonders and they arent rocket science. The African government needs to see that there people have antibiotics. If the African government does not represent the African people then the African people need to take over their Government or die trying.
Short of that. They need to develop better birth control or just sit back and enjoy the ride. Or emmigrate to Amerika. All our immigrants get free health care , free education, Free college education and government handouts up the wazoo. But they got to fight for their right to party and get to the promised land.
I realize since I dont understand the Brithish accents or get the humor that my post may be totally irrelevant. I guess I'm posting blind. I never could understand monty python.
Loved It!