that I've been thinking about lately.
Since Jesus was a PERFECT man, how can anyone realistically be expected to follow in his shoes? Why use him as an example of standing up to tests and remaining faithful? We are, after all, IMPERFECT humans.
C.T. Russell consulted other religions to help him find the "truth." Why are the r&f forbidden to follow in their founder's footsteps?
In leafing through the Proclaimers book last night, I noticed that all references made of someone remaining loyal is worded that they remained loyal to the organization, not specifically to God. What's wrong with that picture? And why do these, "faithful" witnesses not see it?
Jeremiah 10:23 says the way of humans is not in their control, they cannot direct their steps. Then why are the r&f to put all their faith in the GB, a group of imperfect human men?
I came upon all this last night during about 3 minutes of reading. Now tell me that the WTS does not brainwash their "followers." It is plain to see that the WTS is encouraging them to put their faith in trust in man, not God.
I don't know if all this has been brought up before but it's just a few things that I started thinking about last night.
"Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled." ~ Matt. 5:6