Harming loyal JW – part 2
I little voice from Europe. Hope you understand “black talk” as we call it. We have a special humour here in the northern part of Europe. It’s been funny to read the replies from my post “You are harming loyal JW”. It did however surprise me that only a few were able to see the real point behind the DUB words. Try to go back and read it one more time.
Sorry about my English, I don’t use it so mush. Danish, Swedish and German are better to me. Chose pointing fingers are free to make a comment to my word to Kent at the end of this post. You’re free to use Danish, Swedish or German (but not English), it doesn’t matter, I will understand. Come on and make my day!
Yes, I have been away for a while on holyday with a lot of climbing. Now I’m back again with fresh mind after climbing many good summits in the Alps.
Nothing is change about my own situation, so I’m still elder. But my wife has got her eyes open a lot more. I made her read, “The gentile times reconsidered” and the RF book during our summer holydays. It was a change to take but she reacts positive and new kind of discussions is going on from that point. In the past before summer those discussions were hard ones with big negative feelings. Now they are more down to earth and based on facts and judgement. By times things looking better even it’s a hard one to face that something you believed was right wasn’t to be. So you think “what to do now”? You have to find some trustworthy answer before moving on. At the same time with 2 children in the beginning of the teenage years you have to take care of them too. I will come back with a more detail post later on
Meanwhile I do hope you enjoyed the joke from the first post. Please remember we in Europe share your sadness and confusing after the 11th of September.
With love from Europe
To Kent (Norge)
Nej, jeg kan ikke huske bryggeriet. Jeg er ikke den store øldrikker. Jeg er mere til vin. Men i gode venners selskab vil jeg gerne prøve den omtale øl. Måske får vi lejlighed til det en gang, hvis vi mødes – det kunne være hyggeligt. Ellers er alt vel her. Vi skal på Rigets Tjenesteskole her i begyndelsen af januar, så der får vi sandsynligvis udleveret den nye ældste bog. Der går rygter om, at de bliver personligt mærket på en eller anden måde, men vi får se.