Making enough money to attend the convention

by free2beme 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • free2beme

    My uncle, was a Witness for awhile with my Aunt. They had a small business of running some hot dog stands in their town in Idaho. They made pretty good money at it and because they were mobile, location was often where people would let you. When the society, in all of it's wisdom, decided they would no longer provide food at the conventions. My uncle thought, why not get a permit from the city where the convention was and set up one of his stands to make enough money to attend. He was in an adjoining lot to the convention, not on property and sold the hot dogs for half price. A great deal, he was not trying to get rich, just cover their expenses as the convention was an expensive thing to go too when you have a large family. People loved it, hot dog and a drink for like a $1.25. Very cheap! The elders were freaked out, more so then normal, told him he was making the Brothers and Sisters in to his slaves to get something done he should do on his own. At his congregation they gave a special needs talk on not taking advantage of the brothers, etc. You know, all the same crap you saw with Witnesses. The next year, people kept coming up to him confused as to why he did not do it again, they were counting on it and he was not there. How dare him try to play the system. Anyone else ever have a situation like this, with people trying to make money to go to the convention by doing something to make money? He left the religion before I did, by the way, and my aunt goes to the memorial only.

  • garybuss

    The moral of the story has a wiener in it somewhere.

    Maybe two, one in the bun and one in your uncle.

  • Dismembered

    Here's the hot dog lady/pioneer where I'm from. Is she ever popular.



  • jaguarbass

    Everything is wrong and bad to those Jehobers. What a terrible thought process to have. Theres no joy in anything except quick builds and getting people out of bed on Saturday mornings.

  • betterdaze

    If there was a Kentucky Fried Chicken adjacent to the convention site, would the elders complain that Colonel Sanders was enslaving the friends?

    Poor guy. He should have put up a sign, "10% of every sale goes to the WTBT$," and maybe the bullies would have left him alone.


  • avidbiblereader

    They are just pissed because they didn't think of it first,

    Their wisdom came out again, hurt and offend, no thought process or fellow feeling

    He should of showed up next year with just his hotdog cart and never went to the convention, then he would not be taking advantage of the brothers.


  • POs Son
    POs Son

    "New Light" Refreshments.... gives me some ideas!

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