Ladies and or anyone else, I guess I'm just ignorant of much religious tradition, practice and policy. Can someone explain the issue regarding sisters needing a head covering while praying. In the church it's taken to an entirely different level. Those sisters have a mega million dollar industry fueling women's hats for Sunday service, though I've never understood either aspect. What's up with hats?
Cover Your Head!!!
by prophecor 8 Replies latest jw friends
Buddy! That 'napkin' would have put an immeadiate stop to any 'angelic errection'!!
It was the Apostle Paul that instituted this and the churches followed from there. In a highly mystical passage he says that it is a disgrace for a man to pray with a covered head and for a woman with an uncovered head this being equal to her having a shaved head. Why? Because woman is the glory of man and man is the glory of God.
Mrs Smith
In bible time it was the norm for women to wear head covering in a place of worship. This was done as not to bring reproach on the early Christians. Most other churches have stopped doing this, but the JW's as we all know are still living in the past. This fits in very nicely with their sexist view on women. They forget to read that a few verses down the bible says that a women's hair is her covering.
Frannie Banannie
In a highly mystical passage he says that it is a disgrace for a man to pray with a covered head and for a woman with an uncovered head this being equal to her having a shaved head. Why? Because woman is the glory of man and man is the glory of God.
Well, now.....THERE's the problem, Greendawn. Should have read "myTHical. He doesn't even make sense if one really sets their mind on what he's saying. But then we weren't supposed to use our minds for thinking and examining things written in the WTS. I have to ask, "WHY???" WTH does a woman being the glory of man have to do with whether yer head is covered or not? And about man being the glory of God....that's a sad case of tunnel of fudge vision, if I ever saw one.
When I saw your subject for this thread, I thought you were announcing you had farted and we should all duck and cover!
On a serious note re: the topic of this thread, I think it's supposed to signify a woman's being in subjection to man/men/God and anyone else with a saddle.
Whether on the inside or the outside you do have to sometimes take a step back and look at human logic in the context of religious practice.
If one believes that there is an all powerful creator, an entity capable of bringing the universe into existence from oblivion, an intelligence on an infinite and immeasurable scale: would it make sense that he (or she) would be pissed off about a woman not wearing a hat in a place of worship?
Isn't there something about not stumbling angels? ( I don't write this stuff!)
64 WT - this is probably the angel reference you are thinking of
Certainly a woman with a shaved head would not be very attractive, would she? Likewise, if a woman showed no respect for theocratic order, such as prophesying without a head covering in the early congregation, she would be most unattractive to Jehovah and to the other members of the congregation, because of her lack of humility. A faithful woman recognizes her assignment in Jehovah’s arrangement. As Paul writes in verses 8 to 10: "For man is not out of woman, but woman out of man; and, what is more, man was not created for the sake of the woman, but woman for the sake of the man. That is why the woman ought to have a sign of authority upon her head because of the angels."18
Why "because of the angels"? This could not be in order to show subjection to them. At 1 Corinthians 11:3, Paul makes no mention of the angels as having headship over women on earth. Angels have not been assigned to take the leadership in the Christian congregation or to preach the good news of the Kingdom. So there is no question of the woman’s having to wear a head covering out of respect for some angel for whom she might be substituting. But both dedicated men and women are "a theatrical spectacle to the world, both to angels and to men." (1 Cor. 4:9) For example, a faithful woman can set an excellent example for the angels. In her loyally conforming to Jehovah’s theocratic pattern of subjection to her husbandly head and also in her showing respect for the male members of the congregation, she sets a right example for the angels in heaven in their continued faithful subjection to Jehovah and his reigning King, Jesus Christ. -
THE JW reason for headcoverings Reasoning Book
doChristianwomenwearheadcoveringsoncertainoccasions?1 Cor. 11:3-10: "The head of every man is the Christ; in turn the head of a woman is the man; in turn the head of the Christ is God. . . . Every woman that prays or prophesies with her head uncovered shames her head . . . For a man ought not to have his head covered, as he is God’s image and glory; but the woman is man’s glory. For man is not out of woman, but woman out of man; and, what is more, man was not created for the sake of the woman, but woman for the sake of the man. That is why the woman ought to have a sign of authority upon her head because of the angels." (When a Christian woman wears a head covering on appropriate occasions, this is an evidence of her respect for the headship arrangement that was instituted by God. Christ respects theocratic headship; man and woman are also obligated to do so. The first man, Adam, was not produced by birth from a woman but was created by God. When creating Eve, God used a rib from Adam as a foundation, and God stated that she was to be a helper for Adam. Thus to man, who was produced first, was assigned the position of head. The man does not wear a head covering when ‘praying or prophesying’ because, inregardtoheadship, man is "God’s image," having no earthly head in matters relating to his family. However, for a woman to ‘pray or prophesy’ without a head covering would show disrespect for man’s God-assigned position and would shame him. Even the angels, who are members of Jehovah’s wifelike heavenly organization, observe the "sign of authority" worn by faithful Christian women and are reminded of their own subjection to Jehovah.)
isitnecessaryforawomantowearaheadcovering?When she "prays or prophesies," as stated at 1 Corinthians 11:5. This does not mean that a head covering is needed when she prays privately or when she converses with others about Bible prophecy. However, she should wear such a head covering as an outward sign of her respect for man’s headship when she cares for matterspertainingtoworshipthatwouldordinarilybecaredforbyherhusbandorbyanotherman. If she prays aloud on behalf of herself and others or conducts a formal Bible study, thus doing the teaching, inthepresenceofherhusband, she should wear a head covering, even if he does not share her faith. But since she is divinely authorized to teach her children, no head covering is needed when praying or studying with her undedicated young ones at times when her husband is not present. If, in an exceptional circumstance, adedicatedmalememberofthecongregationispresent or when she is accompanied by a visiting traveling overseer, then, when she conducts a prearranged Bible study, she should cover her head, but he should offer the prayer.