Top Moslem leaders intend to revise barbaric sharia laws

by greendawn 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • greendawn

    A senior Moslem cleric in Saudi Arabia has said that during the next meeting of the top religious authorities of the country including the most influential interpreters of the Koran they will propose the banning of the death penalty and mutilation prescribed for several transgressions of the Koranic law such as adultery and theft.

    These not only give Islam a bad name in a world which views such punitive methods as barbaric and belonging to a bygone age but they are also contrary to the more tolerant and forgiving spirit of our times. Less drastic penalties will be discussed as for example monetary compensation to the hurt parties. He stated "surely we can not be so bigotted so as to focus entirely on the letter of the law and ignore the spirit of mercy when Allah Himself is mercy and love."

    A Vatican commentatator stated: The Moslems are today just like the Jews were in the days of our Lord, slaves of the letter of laws and regulations and unable to see the true spirit behind the moral laws of religion. I believe that they are doing this to attract more converts to a religion that most non Moslems feel is primitive and out of place in our modern world.

  • Crumpet

    Interesting greendawn. I think all religion is primitive and based on superstition but if people must adhere then lets get rid of ridiculous and dangerous death penalties.

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    It'll be good if they do ban these. I wonder whether bringing these more moderate clerics into the arena might be the start of moderation all round.

    The Muslims who taught me when I did a GCSE in Islam taught that mutilation is forbidden in Islam (they cited the battlefield code that forbids mutilation of the dead enemies, cutting open pregnant women etc), It was to do with people being made in God's image and also the body belonging to God, so the body is to be treated with respect as regards being kept in one piece - stoning isn't forbidden however!!

    Maybe these Saudi clerics are going along the same lines as my tutors - not being literal in interpretation but applying the actual ethic behind it.

  • stillajwexelder

    Islam would go up about 100% in my estimation if that happened

  • greendawn

    In my view the Koran contains contradictory information which means it can mean different things to different people. It's not like Christianity which takes just one position on each issue. It doesn't say "you must be peaceful" here and there "you must fight wars".

  • Elsewhere

    It'll never happen.

    Sure, these "leaders" can hold a meeting and write down new rules and such, but that does not mean muslims around the world will automatically abide by the new rules. Hell, the Shia and Sunnies are killing each other over minor doctrinal differences... do you think they will stop and say: "Hey, we aren't supposed to kill each other now, so lets just start paying each other!" and then start singing Kumbaya while holding hands in a big circle?

    Get real... muslims don't kill people because the koran tells them too... muslims kill people because it is a great way to control the masses while using very little resources. It's cheap control... power hungry people using the "word of gawd" to gain as much power and control as possible.

    If the people start to say: "Hey! You can't kill me because those guys had that meeting and said you can't kill me anymore!", I suspect the power hungry people will say: "Oh, ok..." and then drag their ass into the middle of a sports field and publicly execute them. "Anyone else?"

  • jelcat8224

    The sunni and shiite conflict has nothing to do with sharia law. This meeting is regarding governments under sharia law. The sunni and shiite conflict is primarily in Iraq which is NOT under sharia law. Changes in sharia law will not affect "muslims around the world". Only those living in countries which are under sharia law to begin with.

  • GentlyFeral

    I didn't know the Islamic world celebrated April Fool's Day...

    OK, normally I'm more respectful than that, but it sounds as likely as Jerry Falwell helping to organize a Gay Pride parade.

    gently feral

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