Where does it say don't research "old light"?

by MinisterAmos 3 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • MinisterAmos

    I can normally do my own research, but someone has challenged me on this and I can't find anything in writing to confirm that JWs are discouraged to research older light.

    I know it's out there, how about some help? Then please let me know how you found it please!

  • Gill

    I'll be surprised if its in writing but if it is I expect it will be in an old Kingdom Ministry!

    So many instructions from the Watchtower society are verbal rather than written, and understandably so.

  • rebel8

    You might find something in the quotes under the categories, "Religion-Verify", and "Religion-Do Not Verify" at http://www.reexamine.org/quotes/admin-site-map.htm#beliefs.

    I know this one says we should research old publications:

    "Their zeal for knowledge may even prompt them to dig back into things that were published long before they came into the truth, expanding and deepening their understanding, and ever growing in Christian maturity... Do you dig out older publications to expand and deepen your knowledge on subjects about which questions arise? Have you really studied these earlier publications?... How is your background of knowledge? ... Never think: "Oh, I know most of that." For you will find, indeed, that you do not and that you will be strengthened by your additional study...once you have completed your study of them you can then look to even older publications... Only by studying earlier publications and digging back through previous issues of The Watchtower kept in the library at your local Kingdom Hall. There is much in the way of spiritual riches and aids toward mature knowledge in these earlier publications, and their study is most certainly worth your time."--Watchtower May 15, 1957 pp.313-315

    Here's another gem:

    "One God alone could be supreme and all-powerful; and one such God could mean only one true religion, namely, the one right worship of this one supreme, almighty God. His religion is one of right belief and is harmonious in all its expressions, just as true physical science is harmonious and not self-contradictory. The true religion of the one God does not disagree with itself, deny itself or get divided with itself. If it had internal disagreement, contradiction and disunity, it could never stand; it could not be simple truth; it would disagree with the scientific laws of the universe; it could not triumph in the long-drawn-out conflict between true religion and false. But true religion must triumph, because truth cannot be destroyed. That is why, despite all the many false religions in the world, the true religion has lived through till this day..."--Watchtower 11/15/1963

  • Scully

    from: http://www.freeminds.org/history/critical.htm

    These statements did not make it into official WTS published doctrine, but having high-ranking members of the Bethel Family™ making such comments would basically have the same effect. Never underestimate the power of "oral tradition" among JWs - it is as solid a part of the JW belief system as the Torah (the written doctrine) and Talmud (the oral tradition) are to Orthodox Jews.

    As previously mentioned, some members of the family had been holding their own Bible studies to help understand the scriptures apart from Watchtower dogma. These groups were soon discovered and told to stop unless they would use the Society's publications for reference. On April 30, 1980, Karl Klein of the Governing Body stated to the whole family:

    "If you have a tendency towards `apostasy,' get a hobby and keep yourself busy to keep your mind off of it. Stay away from deep Bible study to determine meanings of the scriptures."

    Another member of the Governing Body, Lloyd Barry, said on May 29, 1980 in addressing the elders of the Bethel family:

    "When we talk about law, we talk about organization. With all our hearts we need to search after that law. Jehovah doesn't give individuals interpretation. We need a guide, and that is the `faithful and discreet slave.' We should not be getting together in a clique to discuss views contrary to the `faithful and Discreet slave.' We must recognize the source of our instruction. We must be like an ass, be humble, and stay in the manger; and we won't get any poison."

    These are a few of the many shocking things that could be seen and heard at headquarters. Imagine yourself as one of these Bethel elders who had recently just begun to discover what real Christianity is all about, and then imagine listening to these blasphemous statements that clearly contradict the entire message of the letters to the Romans and Galatians, as well as the words of our Lord Jesus Christ who said, "You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."

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