Memorial vs 24

by feelinsketchy 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • feelinsketchy

    Who would rather see Jack Bauer in action than go to the memorial?

  • lonelysheep

    Ooh, I sure hope you guys have Tivo!

  • Threestars

    Voting results:

    24 -- 999,999,999,999

    Memorial -- 0

    (at least in my mind)

    My poor Mom LOVES that show and she's off to the mem tonight--the only meeting she goes to in a year. Talk about mental conditioning. It wouldnt be so bad if you could at least take a swig of the wine!

    I'm going to stay home, watch 24, and drink some wine.

    My 18 YO son is going with her, I think. He's not a JW but he's been around it his whole life and occasionally thinks he is "interested". I told him to chug some of it. Poor kid has schizophrenia, and every few months he gets all religious on me (usually right before he needs a medication adjustment) I guess I shouldn't have told him that about the wine...

    Three years ago he had some Watchtowers and Awakes, and a copy of the NWT, and was standing on the streetcorners preaching about "the devil". It wasn't funny at the time, poor guy, he wound up hospitalized, but today I have to laugh to think about what the dubs would have thought to see him!

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    24 all the way.

    I have been buying the series. This past weekend I watched season 2, 3 and started on 5

    Still looking to buy seasons 1 and 4

    a Memorial - not even if I was dying


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