My Movie Mishap

by Abandoned 8 Replies latest social entertainment

  • Abandoned

    I went to see The Peaceful Warrior with my mom and younger brother this evening. The movie was great, but I had a little adventure before the show even started. My mom and brother weren't thirsty, but I wanted a soda to sip on during the movie. So, while they went to save seats, I stood in that intimidatingly long refreshment line. It took forever to get up to the front, but at least there was a bit of entertainment along the way. Like the lesbian couple on their first date who were directly in front of me. One was loud and one was quiet so while I was not two feet from both of them the whole time, I only got to hear one side of their conversation. Apparently, the quiet one had set something up to ensure a second date and the loud one thougth it was sweet. I sure wish I could have heard the other half of that. Anyway, I get my soda and figure since I'm going to be drinking throughout the movie, I better empty my bladder before hand. So, I walk to the closest rest room, glance at the photos of famous actors as I enter. Tom Cruise ; Brad Pitt ; Tom Hanks ; Mel Gibson ; and others. Something seemed weird, but I continued along. "Huh," I thought as I tried to find the urinals. I looked all around, but there didn't seem to be any. It was then that the significance of the rest room's walkway portraying MALE actors hit me. This was the ladies room. I turned around and high-tailed it to the exit, passing one surprised lady in the process. But, I garnered more atthention than just hers. Oh yes, I also attracted the attention of someone else. An asshole, or at least someone strongly resembling an asshole, had noticed me going in the wrong door and decided to make sure I felt like a total moron. First, as I was exiting the woman's door, he went up the little sign that said "ladies room," and with a hint of surprise in his voice he said, "huh, this is the woman's bathroom. Probably for women." I rolled my eyes and shook my head, but he wasn't done. Oh no, he wanted to increase my uneasiness and embarrassment while increasing his pleasure. I found the rest room with the female actors on the wall. You know, the one with urinals and I hooked up with one and prepared to pee. Unfortunately, the asshole took the one directly next to me. It wasn't bad enough that he was determined to make my humiliation complete, but he was also about a billion feet tall and so with all that happening, I couldn't pee. I could hear him peeing. I could hear others peeing. When I glanced to my left, I could see him towering over me, nodding his head, and smiling like some moron just went in the wrong restroom, but I couldn't have peed if my thingy would have been on fire. The asshole finally finished up his job and left. With him gone, I finally managed to pee, washed my hands, and made my way to the theatre. So, here I am, a forty year old man, out to the movies on a Saturday night with his mom, hounded by some moron who just can't get over my rest room mishaps, and I get to the theatre and find that the movie has already started. My mom, always good with unnecessary questions, asked me, "Was there a long line?" At least the movie was good.

  • Xena

    You took your drink into the restroom?

  • BizzyBee


    Where do you put your soda in a situation like that? In the men's room? Ick!

  • BizzyBee
    You took your drink into the restroom?

    LOL - women think alike!

  • Dune

    LOL. Sorry but that's a pretty funny story. That almost happened to me at school because the women's bathroom is right next to an elevator (You'd think they'd put the bathroom somewhere else considering theres so much traffic). I kind of see the reason you had trouble considering there was a big,grinning idiot standing over you. Isnt there a an untold rule in bathroom urinal ettiquette?( Least the movie was good, I think i'm going to take a friend to see it.

  • Kudra


    If you are at the bar you should ALWAYS take your drink into the restroom with you cause of the losers that have to slip roofies into drinks in order to get laid... (aka rape...)

    Anyhoo- Tom, that is too funny. What a weird experience- probably made even more surreal when you got into the movies by your mom's comment...


    btw- you look WAY younger than 40!!

  • Xena

    If it makes you feel any better when I was pregnant and in a hurry to get to the restroom I accidently went into and used a men's restroom....I was sitting there and someone came in and went into the stall beside me....being a woman I naturally checked out the shoes....and noticed that the feet were very very LARGE...then I finally peeked out the crack in the door and noticed the urinals. lol I waited for the man in the stall next to me to exit and, after washing my hands of course, hightailed it out of there! Fortunately no one noticed me.

    lol @ bizzybee

  • Abandoned

    Did I bring my drink into the restroom? Do you brush your teeth in your bathroom? Do you keep your bathroom in a separate building from your kitchen? ROFL. That's too funny...

  • Xena
    If you are at the bar you should ALWAYS take your drink into the restroom with you cause of the losers that have to slip roofies into drinks in order to get laid... (aka rape...)

    I dump my drink or have a friend hold it.

    Did I bring my drink into the restroom? Do you brush your teeth in your bathroom? Do you keep your bathroom in a separate building from your kitchen? ROFL. That's too funny...

    Yea I brush my MY bathroom. Not a public one though. Oh well I guess we all have our own foibles.

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