Haven't spoken to 'family' for a long time but we did get a letter from mom reminding us when the memorial was. The date was underlined. There's no way we're going but if anyone has any experiences to share - please do so. The details will help should we receive a call.....sammieswife.
Your memorial experience...
by sammielee24 5 Replies latest jw friends
I went but left again as the passed the wine around claiming it was a priviledge to just pass the bread and wine around after they read the scriptures on how jesus told them to eat and drink . They went over the usual dogma on 2 folds of sheep and how the WTBTS believes the anointing worked out . What a load of bunk , I even started laughing at the lunacy and then some elder came to the back where I was and gave me the, "I'm very annoyed", look. I did tell them I was not a member of the church at the beginning .The elder giving the talk even claimed that jesus had no God like powers , I mean where do they come up with this stuff ? Jesus performed many miracles , people could even touch his outer garment and get healed .Unbelievable .......................
The elder giving the talk even claimed that jesus had no God like powers , I mean where do they come up with this stuff?
You're kidding?! They never said that at mine.......or maybe I just wasn't 'paying close attention'.....what idiots!
My long lost Aunt sent me a letter with an invitation, my mom left an invitation at my house and a sister called and left a message on my phone. You can't slide away quietly or gracefully, the sad thing is I feel terrible for not going. I guess after doing something for 32 years it is hard to just stop, I feel like replacing one tradition with another. I am sure with time it will get easier, this was my first 'on purpose' missed memorial. Next year should be better.
the sad thing is I feel terrible for not going.
The first one you miss is the toughest. The next day, when you realize you weren't struck by lightening, the guilt soon disappears.
Next year you won't even feel a twinge of guilt, it'll just be another day.
I can't even remember the last one I attended. Even when I was 'in', I always found a way to be out of town for work or vacation so that nobody would notice if I didn't attend.
I think that last one I attended was in 01 or 02.
Even when I was a little bit a believer of all things j-dub, the memorial seemed like a very strange occasion, almost cult like.
You're kidding?! They never said that at mine.......or maybe I just wasn't 'paying close attention'.....what idiots!
Nope not a joke . I made it a point to listen to everything the guy said and I usually do catch them saying stuff that I'm not sure whether the WTBTS supports . This cult is completely insane .............