Mum tried to 'catch' me and megan out with a few doctrines of the dubs compared to what we believe.
It was funny how her bible actually DIFFERED from ours and how she worried about that. For example...
Luke 23:43
Jesus answered him, "I tell you the truth, today you will be withme in paradise." in the New International Version.
Whereas the New World Translation says...
"and he said to him: "truly i tell you today, you will be with me in paradise."
Odd how the punctuation changes the meaning and only the Witnesses find a need to place such bearing on other versions being incorrect. For me this is a very clear attempt by them to twist scripture in a HUGE WAY with a small edit.
In the Reference bible for dubs it says this as regards to this Scripture (paraphrased)...
"although the WH puts a comma in the gr. text before the word for today, commas were not used in gr. uncial mss. In keeping with the context we omit the comma before today"
There is more dribble but the fact they ADMIT omitted a comma is THERE FOR ALL TO SEE!