Well...I was a good girl and took my 8 yr old son to the memorial last night. His JW dad even called twice to make sure I was taking him, that's only because he wanted to use that as an excuse to come get him, but sorry...he was with me!!
Anyway...There was no way I was going to go to my old hall, so I actually went to a hall that isn't too far from where I live. We get there 15 minutes before it starts and the place is packed. My son gets ready to jump out and I tell him to give me a minute. I just needed to take a good breath in. Some attendant comes over and helps my son out of the car, so I'm like okay I guess it's time to get out!!
There was a couple entering ahead of us, and I could tell they were "worldly" and had never been before. We walk in, and the welcoming mob is there, I treat them like they would me if they knew I was df'd, I completely ignore them and walk past them like they aren't there. I walk into the auditorium and didn't see any open seats. The attendant must have figured I was df'd since I wouldn't speak to anyone and he had never seen me. He then leads the way for us to the second school. It is so hot back there!! I walk in and looked at him and said "I'm not seating back in here, it's way too hot! You'll have to find us two seats in there" (me pointing to the main auditorium) He says okay and leads the way for us back in there. As I'm walking through the lobby, the "worldly" couple that was ahead of me has already been grabbed by an elder and I hear him preaching the resurrection. The girl just has this weirded out look on her face! I did feel sorry for her. The attendant then sees two seats near the back and walks over to see if the seats are taken. I look to see who is seating there and think in my head "oh, shit"! New hall thinking I wouldn't know anyone and it ends up I knew three there and he seats me beside two of them!! They immediately start wispering..is that XXXX..I just ignore them. Just then some Elder comes over to shake their hands and looks at me. He says "Are you knew here, do you live around here". I just smile and say yes. He say's do you know these two (that i was seating beside of) I look at them and they wanted to say yes, but I said "No, never have seen them before" hehehe... He say's what's your name? I tell him my new married name. The two beside of us are leaning in trying to hear what I'm saying to see if it is really me!! I say my first name and then loudly say my last name. The husband looks at the wife and said it must not be her, she said XXXX. I got a chuckle out of that.
Then the memorial begins...Same exact outline as every year. This guy didn't add his flavor though..he basically read exactly from the outline. Then he made the annoucement he had a letter from our "branch office". He then read the letter per word to invite all to the special talk. End of prayer comes and I grab my keys and head to the door. My son yells out "Mommie, why are you in a hurry"! I just yell back "We've got to go baby, we're gonna be late" Late for dinner that is!! We are the first out of the parking lot!!
On the way home I discuss with my son the full yellow moon and discuss Jesus with him. Still glad I went though, I told my son we did all of that to memoralize Jesus and what he has done for us. No sooner we make it home the phone is ringing to see if we did actually go from his JW dad. Haven't gotten the call from my parents yet, but sure I will tonight.