Well I went to see this last night, but frankly it was a bit disappointing. I love Gillian Murphy - he has a startling face. Clearly Danny Boyle thought so too and we got too many long lingering moments looking at his blank face and wide blue eyes which got a little boring. The camera work and cinematography I understand was necessary to convey the concept of the heat and brightness but that too got a little old. The storyline was a little weak.
There were some tense thrilling moments but they have all been done before making them sadly predictable. It was reminiscent of Event Horizon, Core, Red Planet, Mission to Mars.
Unfortunately I think this film missed the mark. Maybe there is nothing left in the sci-fi genre to portray - but I hope that is not true. Lets have more imagination and more personality added to our space age movies!
The trailers showed some promising movies though - 28 Weeks Later looks like stepping up the zombie movie a peg or two. NEXT with Nic Cage showed some stunning special effects like I've not seen before. WIld Hogs - a biker road movie with Travolta looked really funny - I don't normally go for comedy films - my life is sureal enough as it is - but this looked like a great feel good film with a great cameo by that doctor from Scrubs which I could probably watch again and again!
Anyway Sunshine only gets a 2.5 out of 5 and that I feel is generous and based more on the effort to make it gorgeously visualise, even though I felt it missed its mark. You only have to think about ALien to realise what a great movie that was in comparison to most that has followed.