Last night I didn't go to the memorial. Would this be a red flag to the elders? I don't know what to expect from them but I thought I should expect something. My husband Drew Sagan and I had an elder's visit last summer (maybe August?) where we basicly told them that their religion is stupid and wrong for 3 hours. We never heard another word from either one of them ever again. At that time I was still attending meetings regularly, then in November and December I hardly went to any meetings at all because I was very busy with work. The last meeting I went to was in December. Drew hasn't been to any since October. Apparently a different elder has been showing up at our house when we are not home and he finally caught up with us last Sunday to invite us to the memorial on the following day. Drew told him he wasn't going. Is it considered a hugh slap in their face if one does not attend the memorial? Do you think us not showing up will force the elders to make a move? Will they make a real effort to track us down? How would any of you former elders have reacted?
Is this a red flag?
by Amber Rose 8 Replies latest jw friends
You better believe it's going to be a red flag for them. Even weak and df'd people show up, so they will conclude that you are very weak, perhaps wicked.
White Dove
Oh, geez! That's all I need now, especially after my interpreter showed up at my door while I was in school. My girl answered and said that I have crazy stuff going on with school, right now, and probably won't make it. I will just simply say that I don't want it anymore. What might they do? Anyone with experience with this? The elders have NEVER shown up once in the 1 1/2 years that I stopped going. My terp only showed up three times. Might they just ignore it? Nervous now.
drew sagan
I'm sure you'll be ok
If you dont want it to be an issue, just tell them you went to a different congos Memorial.
You shouldn't worry about this so much, if they didn't DF you after you criticised their religion that is unusually mild for the JWs. You can always find an excuse for not being there that one day.
Amber, how'd you get involved in the first place? I agree the religion is stupid, but it must have seemed intelligent to you at some point if it seems unintelligent now. If you step back and gain even MORE perpsective ALL religions are stupid. Every bit as stupid as believing in the Flying Spagetti Monster or the Invisible Pink Unicorn. In order for a religion to NOT seem asinine and ludicrous like the FSM and the IPU it has to have somehow become a part of the culture, of consensual reality. Jesus is every bit as fake and stupid as the IPU and FSM but that fable is part of the culture.
How do you suppose people in mooga-mooga (not a real country) who've never heard of Jeebus Creebus react to the looney story of a dead Jew who was a godman and died for the sins of the world then came back to life and flew into the sky without a propulsion system or the principles of aerodynamics? They think it's pretty damned stupid.. Most converts from these sorts of countries are gotten by giving them food and clothes, medical care. If you were starving and sick, or your kids were, wouldn't YOU convert to the IPU or the FSM for food, clothing, shelter, and medical care? I would. I'd tell my kids its some crazy whackjob shiite though.
Anyway, I'm rambling. Sorry. Religion is astonishing to me.
Martin -
Outstanding work Amber Rose , you are on the right road to your sanity and freedom. Just remember if the elders knock on your door. You dont have to answer it. They will go away. After a while they will stop comming back. If they call on the phone you don't have to answer it. If you answer it you can say who are you calling. When they say Amber Rose, say she is no longer here. If they say can I ask where she is say, yes you may. And then hang up.
You can modify the phone routine, if you dont feel like being a smart asx. But dont mess with the door number.
Heres an idea get caller id dont answer the calls from dubs. Get a second line. Get a new number.
Hey! You're Drew Sagan's wife!!!
I never knew that...
Very nice, we are all so glad to have you here finally.