Hi from Spain! Yesterday was one of the most important days in my life: i told my mom i didn't want to go to meetings anymore. All began in december, when i started to stop going. I live in Madrid but my mother lives 300 km in another city. I usually told the elders of my congregation in Madrid that I was in that city for long times. It worked at the beginning until tomorrow one of the elders give a phone call at home and my mother answer it. Then all turn down. My mother told me when was the last time I give the report and then I told her all the truth. Amazingly she has reacted in a manner I didn't expected her to. He was quite comprenhensive, but I can feel her disapointed after a hole life trying to convert me. I cried. There was so mucho emotions on the table. I told her I didn't want to talk with ANY elder in this city or in Madrid. Just give me alone, I have to think (but I have thought enough). Now i feel strange, I don't know how to react, what to say, how treat her... Well, I need some support. I will read your comments, thanks a lot in advance!
Just wanna share this with you
by testigay 5 Replies latest jw experiences
That is a big step. Congratulations. It does hurt at first, but soon you will feel as if a huge weight has been lifted off your shoulders. It feels good to get it out in the open.
Treat your mom as you always have. Show her it doesn't make you a different person and that you still love her.
Treat your mom as you always have. Show her it doesn't make you a different person and that you still love her.
Perfect answer, unique one. And welcome testigay.
Hi there testigay!
I hope your mother is kind to you and that you can still have a good relationship with her. I remember when I told mine I didn't want to go anymore when I was 16 ...
So what work do you do and what are your plans for the future?
Welcome Testigay,
Congratulations on your big step! Be patient, things will get better, continue to love your mother, but also be prepared just in case she starts to pull away from you. She is only doing what the WTS has told her to do!!
Hola Testigay,
Of course she is disappointed. It now has become clear you do not wish to walk the same way as she has done for some time and probably will do for some time in the future. Did you also tell her of your sexual orientation? If yes, that sense of disappointment may have also arisen from another perspective. Why not talk to her about it?
By what you have related to us, it seems she is treating you well. The least you can do is return her that courtesy. She has had to put up with many of you inconveniences when you were growing up. I'm sure you will be able to find ways to express your love for her.