i liked it cos youtube isnt apostate (or is it? cue new light.) so it seems from the posts that alot of witnesses are viewing and in turn commenting on this vid. (the first step!) lets hope some actually try to prove it wrong by researching.
good little youtube vid
by heretic 6 Replies latest jw friends
I love that song! Always love to hear it in movie previews.
Very good. Straightforward and effective. As I watched, several JW relatives and friends came to mind. "If only they would just watch this and THINK!" But alas, we all know the answer. The WTS has innoculated them. Devious bastards have actually encapsulated the world of their slaves so tightly that their brains go into lockdown as soon as an anti WTS word is heard. And, of course, it is the weak, fringe witnesses that are ready to die first rather than question the "Truth". Sorry, but the stupid drones really deserve to be exploited.
Cheers poet
dunno why it didnt come out clickable.
We are all getting quite lazy hey.
I shudder to think anyone bypassed this vid because there was a two click 'copy/paste' involded
It reminds me of the 'Id like to meet the guy who needs that peanut butter & jelly in the same jar' brian reagen joke
'i could go for a sandwich but ahh, Im not gonna open two jars'
and ahh who knows how many knives.
Thanks heretic