The following is edited from a book that provided me with a solid grounding when I was a new Christian. That book provided me with principles I have carried into my older age, and I would like to share one of those principles with you.
Concerning the great fundamental Biblical truths there can be no major difference of opinion. But, owing to the finite limitations of the human intellect, there may be sincere differences among believers of equal consecration, competence, and experience on other points.
Absence of controversy is not to be construed as evidence that we are holding fast to sound doctrine. Differences of opinion tend to spur men to a more diligent investigation of the Scriptures. When these differences are approached in the right spirit, and the fallacies of non-valid positions are revealed, truth shines forth more clearly.
The more a person learns of truth, the more closely they are expected to reflect the spirit and character of the Author of truth in their dealings with others. Truth makes a person more humble, less critical of others, and less inclined to feel that others must conform to their own pattern of thinking. Truth will not make a person egotistical, arrogant, contentious, or intolerant of others who may prove to be equally as sincere, even though they may err in judgment.
Candid and fair-thinking people consistently apply the golden rule in a patient attempt to resolve differences.
When Bible principles are conscientiously followed and when differences of opinion are left on the intellectual level, they need never become the occasion of personal differences.
The search for truth is in no way concerned with personalities. Peter and Paul were not always in perfect agreement, even on vital issues; yet both were mighty men of God and outstanding Christian leaders.
More often than not it is pride of opinion that separates Christians. They should value the bond of fellowship above individual concepts of truth, and will accord those who honestly differ from them the same confidence and respect they themselves expect of others. They will seek above all things to preserve the bond of Christian fellowship.
All sincere believers are our companions in the quest for truth, and we should avoid giving the impression, or even surmising, that we are certainly right and that those who differ from us are certainly wrong. Their concept of truth might prove to be right after all.
Pride of opinion is most reprehensible. We should put forth as sincere an effort to see things from the other person’s point of view as we desire them to make in seeing our point of view.
Truth is the important objective, not what we think about it, whether we be right or wrong. Those who think they will never have occasion to give up cherished views or change their opinions are sure to be disappointed.
God has entrusted to no person the duty of making others see things just as they do. Even Christ did not seek to silence his avowed enemies. No person is obliged to accept our conclusions, and we have no reason for disappointment when they do not see light in them.
The sincere seeker for truth will never consciously misrepresent an opponent, speak disparagingly of them, or make light of their opinions, either in their presence or in the presence of others. Theological intolerance is a most contemptible form of narrow-mindedness.
To reconcile differences of opinion, the following procedure will prove helpful:
* Approach the problem with an open mind. The objective is not to determine who is right but to discover what is truth.
* Most words have more than one meaning, and the impression they make on one mind may be entirely different from what they make on other minds of different temperament, education, experience, and habits of thought.
* Examine the evidence submitted and the conclusions drawn from it, applying sound principles of interpretation.
* Analyze points of disagreement that still persist and ascertain the basic reasons for them. Find common ground. Discover areas of agreement and seek to extend them. Avoid the tendency to magnify differences, particularly when these are of minor importance. Seek to minimize and eliminate points of disagreement.
* Freely acknowledge points for which evidence is inconclusive, and which may be in need of further study. Avoid affirming more than Inspiration has clearly stated.
* Points on which agreement cannot be reached should be dismissed for a time and made the subject of prayer and further study. Avoid everything that would tend to arouse controversy and the spirit of bitterness.
Resolving differences
by Doug Mason 2 Replies latest watchtower bible
Doug Mason
Excellent material. Christians can reach different conclusions as is evidenced by the many denominations. The Bible mentions two factors for the favorable judgment of individuals. The first is based upon the love that we have for one another. And the second is based upon the "deeds" that we perform in accordance with Christ's teachings. Neither one merits us salvation. But it should be the fruitage of our faith in Christ.
Sad emo
Good post Doug
Unity does not equal uniformity!
Maybe if denominations spent more time working with what they have in common instead of building walls out of their differences, there would be a better and more respected Christian witness throughout the whole world.