Sometimes It Snows in April

by prophecor 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • prophecor

    Winter has given me a wonderful reprieve from the portals of Summer's appearance. It's snowing, and its April, Prince never could have said it any better.

    I'll savor this moment.

  • purplesofa


  • Honesty

    It started about 4:45 this morning and lasted for about an hour.

    By 7 A.M. I had 1/4 inch on my front deck and 1/8 inch in the yard.

    Man, it's great to live in the mountains of east Tennessee.

  • metaspy

    we got over a foot in my area...

  • Hortensia

    our weather person on the news is saying the 90s are here to stay - we already had our first 100 degree day. We had a freak storm last week, blew cold air through the area, snow on our local mountains, but it melted the next day because of the heat. The snow was really pretty, I love seeing it, even though I live in the desert. One of the really funny sights here is the long long line of RVs on the freeway heading north, the day after our first 100 degree day each spring. I always get a laugh out of that.

  • Snoozy

    Just had a few flurries here in Missouri..froze the dog gone ferns! I forgot to cover them...


  • Tatiana

    One of my favorite songs ever.....

  • aarque

    It's been snowing on and off here in northern NY since Wednesday... and it's supposed to be like this through the next week.... UGH.......I've had enough. My husband still talks about the snowstorm that hit on Mother's Day several years ago. So sometimes it snows in May, too.

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