Has anyone attempted to contact the press about the United Nations scandal? As I've mentioned on an earlier thread, I am not in a position to notify the press myself but would like to contribute some information for those of you who might be interested in contacting the press. Here are some press sources for the Boston area:
The Boston Globe:
"news tip from extranet" should be your email header.
For the Boston Herald:
Tips or comments call
(617) 619-6789
The Christian Science Monitor:
The newsroom address and phone number:
The Christian Science Monitor
1 Norway Street
Boston, MA 02115
To send a letter to the editor, email [email protected] <mailto: [email protected]>.
International Headquarters
50 Rockefeller Plaza
New York, N.Y. 10020
Also, cult expert Steve Hassan might be interested in this scoop too:
to contact him email:
with a brief synopsis and the link to the article.