So after the diet thread I'm finally getting round to moving my fat arse back to the gym regularly. I need to freshen up the mix of tracks on my iPod so I have something to give me a little boost while I am on the cross trainer or the running machine.
Anyone got any suggestions? What's on your iPod that gives you that little bit more juice to keep running? I've got a load of Prodigy on there at the moment and some SlipKnot but I haven't changed it for about a year and it needs something new.
I may even blog my efforts to lose weight, maybe "Chunky To Hunky" or "Fat boy to Flat boy". I'm thinking that if I start now I have 9 months til Xmas, the height of summer here and when I really want to look good on the beach; I reckon that gives me plenty of time to lose 30lbs and really tone up.
Living in Oz has been a killer for me because we have a really hectic social life and I tend to drink alot and eat out regularly, this is going to be damn hard work!