With the upcoming District Convention theme "Follow the Christ" , could this be a way the WTBS gets Jesus back on the map with the organization?
Putting Christ back into the mix- This summer
by architect 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
No, I don't......If this were the case they would say, "Follow Christ Jesus" or some such. It sounds to me that since "Christ" means annointed, they are simply saying: "Follow the Annointed"........in other words, the Governing Body. I may be wrong, but with all the changes taking place, it's going to be tougher to control the r&f to the extent they've been able to do in the past. So, I think they are going to start emphasizing even more the importance of following GB directives. The new "for members only" issue of the WT next year will tighten the screws even more.
Could be, but maybe there are other reasons. There is another thread on this topic http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/131598/3.ashx and here's my 2-cents from that thread:
For "conspiracy nuts" ONLY: yaddayadda had said, in part:
"Using the words 'the Christ' instead of just Jesus or Christ is very suspicious..."
I agree but for different reasons, since the occult societies use "THE CHRIST" to refer to THEIR version of the "world savior". I wrote about it previously, maybe posted the info here at JWD somewhere, but I can't find it if I did. But the various and specific quotes about this, taken from the House of Theosophy and Lucis Trust websites, and other occult sources about "THE CHRIST" is here (posted 12/23/06):
'We should be particularly wary when someone refers to Jesus Christ as 'the Christ.'"
--Norman Geisler -- (Who is Norman Geisler?): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Norman_Geisler
His specific quote from: http://www.chick.com/information/bibleversions/articles/copyright.asp+%22the+Christ%22+occult+Bible+Versions&hl=en&gl=us&ct=clnk&cd=3
FWIW, the WT uses "THE CHRIST" in its NWT 155 times. Only Young's translation equals that number. The KJV only uses "the Christ" 19 times, as a comparison.
A list of about two dozen Bible versions and how often they use "the Christ" phrase is found at that same link: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/TO_JEHOVAHs_WITNESSES_with_LOVE/message/57
/ag -
The Watchtower 2006 Feb 15 p. 21 par. 2 Gathering Things in Heaven and Things on Earth
"The things in the heavens" mentioned by Paul in his letter to the Ephesians are to be gathered "in the Christ." They are the limited number of humans chosen to rule with Christ in the heavens. -
Well they are the CCJW now
The 144,000 must be a symbolic number now!!. Remember that anyone can be a remnant and they won't get any dirty looks .That's right, any kook can walk off the street and say they are a remnant and the WTS must without question accept them as remnant .(The May1st QFR says so) So now the theme for the assembley "follow the Christ " is an actual sumbliminal invitation for anyone to become a remnant!!. This is all making so much sense now . The WTS are squirming for new converts anyway they can get
All they have to do is stop counting the partakers and count only those that attend the memorial, that way the WTS can hide the increases in remnant.
Maybe the assembly will say that the 144,090 is symbolic.
Room 215
Seems to me that the Convention theme is a cynical ploy to defuse their critics who rightly refer to them as works-oriented neo-Judaizers; in any number of Blondie's Watchtower summaries, for example, she calls attention to their propensity to cite Old Testament examples, David in particular, instead of Christian ones.
I predict that the Convention will be a tool to put dubs through more intense brainwashing, the witnesses will leave convinced more that this organization belongs to Christ and their automatic answer from then on will be 'its clear Christ chose this organization and is in our midst, why only at the last convention the theme was follow the christ...'
If anything, it will be used to break down anything that stops people viewing the organization as christ himself, giving them the ability to do and say more or less what they want without questions being asked.
The JW religion is jehovah centred and can never change to anything different due to the predominance of the Judaic influence that is secretly directing it. They will never bring themselves round to calling themselves the church of Christ and as we know the church is the central concept in christianity.
When did we ever hear a JW even a so called anointed one call himself a member of the church of Christ and refer to the Christ as his/her direct head? Not surprisingly a judaizing religion would be allergic to the name and person of Christ and would marginalise him as much as it can without appearing to be politically incorrect.
If they really wanted to put Christ in their cult they would call the DC...
"Go To Christ For Salvation"
But we all know that would put the faithful Slave outta da BIG Picture and they can't have any of that.