We are all aware of the empowering effect that religion has availed itself for a select group of men, as an example the WTS. One hundred years ago a small group of men in New York
U.S.A. stated that god's kingdom on earth was being established and we are a part of that kingdom and are its spiritually directed constructors.They were some of many power seekers
at the time and there were many more of course as history shows. This was an obvious attempt to place the power of god in their hands and perhaps exploit it for their own purpose and
thats what they did. And now one hundred years latter a small group of men can stand high on top of that constructed tower and see how well the kingdom and their power has expanded
thanks in part to their procured slaves and there is a lot of them I hear, six million and counting.
Sorry company has just arrived and I have to go .....I'll post this anyways and see what I can add tomorow..........