Knocking Documentary UPCOMING SCREENINGS
by kwr 4 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Thank you, KWR !
Here's other threads posted since December and currently, to keep them all together:
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In their email the producers mention the (uncut) DVD includes a Study Guide.
Wondering what that is? Sounds like something the WTS would throw in, to help assimulate (digest) the information.
Do they really think someone needs to "study" this film? Perhaps to understand it in the proper way?
(Oh, to keep your appetite satiated, there's an extra 3 hours video included on the DVD.)
LOL, AntiPode. I read somewhere that "Study Guide" is a whopping 48 pages long! WT brochures were only 32 pages if I remember correctly.
And you are so right, who ever heard of a "study guide" with a documentary DVD, but then again, this is "religion" we are talking about, and the WT religion no less.
And, true, I mean, the filmmakers I'm sure didn't suggest a Study Guide or put it together, so I'd think it has to be the org itself who is throwing that in.
And 3 extra hours on the DVD... I guess they couldn't really afford 3 hours of TV air time, so 1 hour on TV, and just stick the rest on a DVD, which will naturally be bought up by 6 million JWs, so that's how much? How much does the DVD cost? $20? What's 6 mil x $20 buckaroos? (minus costs to the filmmakers, DVD supplier, etc., and what do you have left for the WT's til? A BIG hunka moola. Naturally, the filmmaker, whose Mom is a JW, would naturally want to donate any excess proceeds to the borg? Maybe, eh?)
And all being released and aired on TV just in time to suck in numerous PBS-watchers to the 2007 DC in June!
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And all being released and aired on TV just in time to suck in numerous PBS-watchers to the 2007 DC in June!
...and PBS is one of those known "safe" channels Witnesses can watch without changing channels when another Witness comes over (or their wife walks in), kind of like CNN or C-SPAN.