The elder who convicted me has lukemia.

by reneeisorym 8 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • reneeisorym

    Now I find out today that the elder who started the digging and suspecting me for apostacy has lukemia. I did have some hard feelings towards this guy but I actually quickly got over them. I always really liked him and thought he was the best elder we had until he attacked me. It kinds hurts to know this . . . I feel for his family.

    Now I know people in the past who have battled lukemia. They always had blood drives to help them live. They have had to have pint after pint of blood.

    We know that being a JW, he'll probably die. This is always hard for them because the Society has them believing that blood doesn't save lives. They all feel like the blood thing doesn't really matter because they are substitutes to blood -- but not the case with lukemia for sure.

    My mom sent me an e-mail to tell me this. She won't tell me when my own aunt dies (see previous posts for that story), but she tells me when this elder has lukemia. I sent this to her: (I seriously need to quit with the attitude with her but she irritates the devil out of me)

    He can't have a transplant as a JW. This means the chances of him dieting are pretty good. This just breaks my heat. How is xxxxxx going to cope? (son) and (daughter) are so close to him. They are taking him somewhere besides Laurel aren't they? Do you remember when Jesus broke the law of the Sabbath to save the life of someone (heal them) and also to save the life of an animal? Why can't we break the blood law to save lives like Jesus did?
  • Crumpet

    Oh Rene - I love your guts - I love the way you say it like it is. No beating around the bush and did you just think that argument up by yourself about the sabbath cause that is awesome honey! I really admire you sweetheart - I really do! (((rene)))

  • reneeisorym

    Hugs Crumpet!!

    No, I didn't think of that myself. I read it somewhere and I liked it because it was so simple so I filed it away in my brain somewhere. I can get them to read like 2 sentences but they aren't going to read very much apostate stuff so I have to plug it in when I can.

    I am going to have to chill on all of that for a while though. She's getting frustrated with me. She sent me this:


    I guess he's going to have to go on a diet now -- J/K Did you notice my typo?

    This means the chances of him dieting are pretty good.
  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Sad news. I had to watch a favorite elder of mine die from a distance due to leukemia. He had branded me 'apostate' and I was not welcome in his home, and I had already broke with the organization. I sent cards and showed love the best I could. I hope he at least noted that.

    The note you got from your mom was nearly identical to the one I got from his daughter [who had been like my best friend for years]. She broke radio silence to give me the news - but my comments about blood policy and the WTS current light was not recieved well. I never heard from him again - I could not stomach the idea of going to the KH sponsored sales pitch [his memorial service].

    I miss him. He died hating me. We had been very good friends.


  • anewme

    Yeah my 45 yr old BIL who hated me for getting dfd and divorcing his brother and bringing "reproach on Jehovahs good name" just died in his sleep two weeks ago.

    Its a very weird feeling.

    My first thoughts on hearing the news were..........."Better a live dog, than a dead lion"

  • reneeisorym

    Some of the elders were always hateful and mean to me so that wouldn't affect me quite like this.

    This guy was always the guy who would stick up for you when the rest of them were being pig-headed. In the end, he got frustrated with me and told me that I was an apostate and going to killed at armageddon. (His answer when he couldn't answer my questions.)

    But I still kinda like him in a way even though he did corner me and get me to finally DA. I certainly hate this for his family.

  • Crumpet

    I'd be tempted to get the last word in and I say back to her - I'm sorry if hearing the truth hurts you mother! But then I never know when to shut up! LOL!

  • Hellrider
    Why can't we break the blood law to save lives like Jesus did?

    ...she writes to you in her letter. And the irony is that she is absolutely right. The law can be broken when it`s necessary to save a life. "The law was made for man, not man for the law", says Paul. Jws never understood that part, but your mother is on the right track. Too bad her loyalty to the InsaneTower and their whacky interpretations is greater than her knowledge of the Bible.

  • Madame Quixote
    Madame Quixote

    A brilliant and compassionate response, Renee. I hope he will find a way to accept blood and get better. Maybe you could reach him with that info? You never know. Sorry to hear of his suffering and of your recent losses and frustrations with JW family and friends.

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