Skilled in Shunning But Poor in Love

by metatron 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    True story: a guy I know left the "truth" after decades of deep involvement and his immediate family

    went with him. His mom ( Witness who lost all grandkids to the "world")died. At the funeral, an elder's

    wife started talking to his daughter, who is unbaptized and no longer involved. The elderette suddenly

    said "why am I talking to you, you have no interest in being in the truth!" and turned and walked away.

    This is the religion that claims to be the "truth"

    This is the religion that claims to have love.

    ----- and this sort of behavior , at a funeral, is supposed to attract people to come back to the

    organization? or impress them favorably?

    it's all hateful nonsense


  • DJK
    The elderette suddenly

    said "why am I talking to you, you have no interest in being in the truth!" and turned and walked away.

    I can still see the faces of a couple JWs that go out of their way to treat ex-JWs that way. Definately wouldn't be chosen by God for anything unless God had a cow barn that needed cleaning.

    A few JWs score high marks in crudeness, but many do show kindness.

  • Pahpa

    What a missed opportunity! A funeral is an occasion for compassion and sympathy...not for unkindness and criticism.. But DJK is right. I've known JWs who were very compassionate and caring in spite of the general attitude about "worldly people" that's fostered in the organization. It must be very difficult for these JWs to justify the position of the Watchtower toward df'd and da'd individuals.

  • greendawn

    The JWs are suffering from a collective case of inflated ego and as such they have a lot of psychological flaws. Here is what C. Jung one of the greatest psychologists has to say about such types:

    "An inflated consciousness is always egocentric and conscious of nothing but its own existence. It is incapable of learning from the past, incapable of understanding contemporary events, and incapable of drawing right conclusions about the future. It is hypnotized by itself and therefore cannot be argued with. It inevitably dooms itself to calamities that must strike it dead"

    The dubs understand nothing about the need to be flexible and kind and that there is a lot more to "remove the bad influence from your midst" than totally shunning ex members.

  • UnConfused

    Very succinct Metatron

  • LongHairGal


    Great answer! I didn't know professionals had types like this all figured out. It makes perfect sense. They do have a collective case of inflated ego. It is wonderful to watch somebody who is ignorant and who is wearing rags to have a stuck up attitude about themselves. I know they don't all wear rags but the inflated ego is the same.

    When I was in grade school (not a JW), there was a girl in my class who was raggedy with dirty shoes (she started the new school year like this - when everybody usually has a new outfit or two). Even though I was a kid I was absolutely baffled by her ego and her confidence. If I were wearing rags I would have been self-conscious. She came from a family that gave her a lot of confidence and she also had a working mom - which gives a girl more self-esteem. I don't mean to digress, but this is the same with the JWs. They give each other this "ego". The sad part is that they also try to take it away.


  • unbaptized

    My sympathy goes out to that family! I just wanted to let then know that Jehovah isn't to blame for a lot of these negative comments and actions of some of the JW's in the org. I feel that some become so self righteous that they start to judging their brothers as if they had the right to do so. From what the scriptures say about God and his son Jesus, they would not have treated that family in that way.

    I believe that God is going to give everyone a chance to prove their love for him, not just those who are worshiping him now, but those who will worship him in the future. Ancient Israel had it wrong about God and the Messiah, so some of the brothers and sisters in the org have it wrong too!

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