Network Business vs Watchtower Business

by jakes 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • jakes

    It just occured to me that the Watchtower is run similar to a pyramid networking type business.What I am talking about is the type of business where members are recruited to distribute or sell the company's exclusive products only available from members, and not from normal retail chain stores.

    In most of these network type business schemes the members stand to make at least a bit of money.However, in the Watchtower's case, the members(R&F, congregations) do not. The Watchtower takes all the spoils.

    Would you say it is a fair comparison?


  • Clam

    Jakes yes it does have similarities. Each member is expected to introduce more members, and so the down line increases due to geometric progression.

    I think the WTS could make more of this though, rather than flog their magazines. There's so many Dubs involved in vocations like window cleaning, general cleaning and janitoring that the Borg really ought to be doing an Amway and selling cleaning products. I reckon they'd "clean up."

  • Mrs Smith
    Mrs Smith

    That sounds right to me! Never thought of it like that. Mr Jakes when are you coming to visit us?

  • jakes

    Mrs Smith,

    I am just finalising the exact dates for my visit.It looks like it would be in June.I will keep you posted.


  • jwfacts

    Stephen Hassan, in Combatting Cult Mind Control lists pyramid networking such as Amway as using cult mind control.

    My cousin who has pretty much left the WTS went to a Usana conference, (in which the key speaker was a JW elder). After the "do you want to be rich blah blah blah speech" the speaker actually said that you should not associate with people not part of the network, because if they are not part if Usana then they do not share your financial goals and will prevent you achieving them. My cousin could not believe a JW could be promoting such a scheme, but also found the similarities with being a JW one of the eyeopeners that has helped open his mind to the fact the WTS is just another cult.

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