What is the current policy on swearing an oath to tell the truth? such as in court, affidavids, passport office and that sort of thing. I thought they were not supposed to at one time has this changed?
current policy on swearing, as in oaths
by carla 3 Replies latest watchtower bible
I never heard of that one. I can't really see what they'd have against it. Unless you were telling the truth about them.
They're allowed, you'd never win a court case if you didn't take the oath! No way the Org would have got all that 'freeness of speech' without allowing that one!
JWs I know who have been in this situation, often like to request an oath on an NWT though! -
The WTS' official teaching is that it is a conscience matter. They recognize that some may find swearing an oath problematic, due to Matt. 5:34-37 & James 5:12. The Courts will typically allow one to "affirm" that what is given as testimony is true; I have personally done this before giving testimony.