The Role of Afterlife in Suicide Terror Attacks

by JanH 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • JanH

    I just read a very interesting article in Slate magazine, at

    It discusses the role the glorious descriptions of the afterlife in Islam can have in motivating people to commit such atrocities as what happened On Sept 11. It is interesting to note that only a minority, extremist view of Islam encourages suicide terrorist attacks. It is also interesting, and scary, to note which type of people are exposed to such propaganda.

    - Jan
    "Doctor how can you diagnose someone with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and then act like I had some choice about barging in here right now?" -- As Good As It Gets

  • lydia

    Just got done perusing the site - wow it makes for interseting reading. What a messed up world we live in.
    It is encouraging that it is only a few that think this way.

    Funny how they ae somewhat like the Dub org - choosing those that have life so hard here to "teach". Makes me think about all those in NY hurting due to the loss and how the Dub's are using this to Recruit. Makes me very ill to think I was involved with this at one time.

    Thanks for the info.

  • Julie

    Hi Jan,

    Alas, the promise of a glorious afterlife is nothing new as you well know. There are always some desperate souls willing to buy such a line of crap.

    While Richard was on Crusade there were tales of the Old Man on the Mountain. He had a garden in his mountain compound filled with all things beautiful, including women. He would bring in some of his men to enjoy the garden and then tell them this was the afterlife that awaited them. To prove his men's loyalty to visitors he would often gesture to a look-out perched on the garden wall to jump to his death. It is reported these men did so gleefully. Poor fools.

    We can only hope fundamentalists from other religions don't start their own version of jihad because I fear there would be no shortage of eager enlistments.


  • JanH

    Thanks for comments, lydia and julie.

    It seems so easy for people to buy into even the most ludicruous belief systems. Greed for the huge reward overshadows any sound skepticism people should have to those who promise what they cannot deliver.

    Two things struck me in reading this article.

    First, the desperate poverty (and also self-inflicted ascetism) of those people made them willing victims for these religious snake-oil salesmen. All who have been JWs know that people who are suffering are more vulnerably to religious fantasies about a happy future in exhange for a few years of slave work for the Cause.

    Second, notice the hatred of the world in the reflections (word used in a wide sense) of the fanatics. I do remember that Barbara Harrison in Visions of Glory described the world-hatred of her mother, who had converted to the JWs. They were "waiting for the world to die", somehow detached from the world they were living in. The fanatical Mullahs and their students are literally separated from the world. And it makes it so much easier to hate the West when they have never even been here. Heck, I am convinced 99% of them could not even point out America on a map. Yet, they somehow seem to know how "materialist" the millions of people living here are.

    On a lighter note, one can perhaps argue that an important factor in making the men commit such attrocities is in them not getting laid.

    - Jan
    "Doctor how can you diagnose someone with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and then act like I had some choice about barging in here right now?" -- As Good As It Gets

  • joelbear

    Hi Jan,

    Very interesting topic.

    Greed is indeed the word. Greed is what makes religion so attractive to people. They want more than reality or a natural life can provide, even as wonderful as that natural life can be. No, they want more more more. They want eternal life and beyond that, they want supernatural life.

    They also want to think of themselves as somehow being separated from the rest of nature. Their god created nature and then put them in charge of it, over it, one day to be separated from it, so that nature has no permanent importance to them.

    Greed. Wanting more than their fair share of natural resources both in terms of space and time could spell a very unsatisfying conclusion to human history.

    I wonder if they will figure it out before its too late.


  • ISP

    It is an extreme position taken by these.........but when you break it down........are you really surprised? Do you believe it[the religion] or not? If you DO everything else is easy. You are certain of the future reward.

    I honestly believe the same mentality effected the JW's re 1975, ie selling businesses, giving up education, some not having children.....and with the blood issue i.e. letting children die etc.

    The role of afterlife........or paradise hope was pivotal in people doing non-sensical things.


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