I was wondering about this article that I was reading. http://www.fraserinstitute.ca/shared/readmore.asp?sNav=nr&id=570 Is it real? does it come from a reliable source. I've been trying to find the pros to gun control but I'm having a hard time finding any articles about countries that have had any real reduction in crime from banning guns. Can anyone point me to an article that shows a reduction in crime from a gun ban that has happened somewhere in the world. My dad was telling me about Australia's rise in crime after their gun control law and I was trying to find an article to refute what he was telling me, because I like to show him when he's wrong :). So far I keep reading articles like the one above, about rises in crime in countries that have had some sort of gun ban. I'm sure there is an opposing view out there with good data.
Banning Guns
by Descender 7 Replies latest jw friends
In countries were guns are banned there is natural reduction in gun violence, but that does not decrease the crime rate. I would do a google search for national crime rates. I researched this a few years ago and Sweden has the worst crime rate of any western country per capita, but America has the most prisoners per capita.
Double Edge
This is the author of "More Guns Less Crime" - I heard him on the radio the other day.... interesting.
I don't want to get into another debate about gun control. It's a never-ending argument, but let me point this out: The issue of whether or not to ban guns is not just about the CRIME aspect, which is the focus of most people that argue for strict gun controls. I've said this before and I'll say it again:
Americans sometimes go about our cushy daily lives under an apathetic cloud, believing that our government is invulnerable to a take over by tyrannical or sinister forces. Why do you think our founding fathers wanted the people to be able to have guns? Some argue the militia wording in the clause, but if you study the Federalist Papers and other writings, it becomes clear that the American populace was meant.
Food for thought: Had the Jews in the ghetto of Warsaw been allowed to own firearms, Hitler's SS forces would have met with so much resistance that a successful uprising may have prevented much of the attorcities that we are now so familiar with.
All I'm saying (before another hot-headed debate on gun control gets started) is that CRIME IS NOT THE ONLY ISSUE TO CONSIDER! JUST THINK ABOUT IT.
If you outlaw guns only outlaws will have guns. Then who will protect you? Every cops a criminal and all the sinners are saints. The cops are always long after the fact in providing their service. The main reason for police is to file reports for the insurance industry. The cops may find someone and convict them for killing you but they wont stop the outlaw from comming in your home and killing you.
And the judicial system will not keep the hardcore criminal behind bars to protect you. The judicial system is occupied locking up marijuanna users and commiters of victimless crimes. The judicial system is notorious for releasing threats to society so they can have room to house drug violaters.
Also think about it, it is called the criminal justice system. Not the victim justice system or the citizen justice system, Its all about the benjamins.
I dont think you can compare Amerika to any other countries situation as Amerika is unique.
The politicians would like to take our guns but then who would protect us when China or Korea comes parachuting in? This country was birthed by a milita which is a citizen defense unit as opposed to a governmental army.
And guns dont kill people, people kill people.
I dont think you can compare Amerika to any other countries situation as Amerika is unique.
This is so true. But I don't think people really understand how much different it is. (BTW, why did you spell America with a "k" in it? Just curious.)
Reefton Jack
If I may clarify a point here:
Australia has not "Banned" guns.
Rather, in 1996, Australia introduced strict Gun Control Laws throughout all its States and Territories)
(just like, at a similar time in this country, the existing Gun Control legislation was made more stringent).
Such controls in Australia have not, though, at any time, gone as far as totally outlawing all firearms:
- Practically outlawing certain types of firearms, yes.
- Severely restricting access to all types of firearms, definitely!
- But outright prohibiting anything that goes "Bang", and sends a projectile from the muzzle - NO!
Jack. -
Descender - gun control is a two inch pattern at 75 feet, that is gun control. Pistol wise that is.