I'm looking for recent information about the WT Society discouraging JWs from going to college. I already have the 2005 WT article which went back to the old line discourging post-secondary education. Are there other statements from Our Kingdom Ministry or more recent Watchtowers since then?
JWs and College
by cabasilas 8 Replies latest jw friends
Me too. I wanna know the same thing (for probably the same reason).
While stuff in print would be great, I'd also be interested if anyone has heard of any personal experiences where JWs in college when the 2005 WT came out were encouraged to stop going to college. Or since then. If possible, I'd like to be able to quote the experience elsewhere but I'd leave out any personal details. Many thanks!
College is considered to be the great evil. I have heard of Svc Dpt personnel saying that parents are "sacrificing their children" on the alter of higher education. If you are going to college, your mtg attendance is scrutinized, your service is scrutinized- the assumption is that college will be the reason for all of your problems in life. Elders are removed if they are supporting a child going to college (paying for it or providing financial support), and non-elder parents are subjected to extreme pressure if a kid decides to go to college. Makes you wonder- what is it that is so dangerous about education, ideas, thinking.....
*** w06 1/1 p. 21 pars. 7-8 How Firm Is Your Trust in God? ***Anyone who does not trust firmly in Jehovah might think differently. The majority of humans view material wealth as a major key to security. Hence, parents have encouraged their offspring to invest much of their young adulthood in higher education, hoping that it will prepare them for well-paying careers. Sadly, some Christian families have found the cost of such an investment to be very high, as their children have lost their spiritual focus and turned to pursuing materialistic goals.
Hence, wise Christians realize that Jesus’ counsel applies as much today as it did in the first century, and they try to keep a balance. Even if they have to spend long hours in secular work in order to care for Scriptural responsibilities, they never allow the need to earn money to blind them to the more important spiritual matters.—Ecclesiastes 7:12.
*** w06 1/1 p. 23 par. 16 How Firm Is Your Trust in God? ***
The Bible says: "Trust in Jehovah with all your heart and do not lean upon your own understanding. In all your ways take notice of him, and he himself will make your paths straight. Do not become wise in your own eyes." (Proverbs 3:5-7) Sometimes, a certain course might seem practical from a secular point of view. (Jeremiah 17:9) Still, a sincere Christian looks to Jehovah for guidance. (Psalm 48:14) ‘In all his ways’—in congregation matters, education or secular work, relaxation, or anything else—he modestly seeks Jehovah’s counsel.—Psalm 73:24.*** w06 4/1 p. 11 Parents—Be a Fine Example for Your Children ***For one thing," said Ryan, "Mother made sure that we children enjoyed positive peer influence. She never allowed us to mix with those whom the Bible describes as bad associations, whether outside or inside the congregation. She also inculcated within us the right view of secular education."
*** w06 4/15 p. 22 pars. 14-15 "I Am With You People" ***The lesson we should learn from all of that is not about home design or decorating. Long before the exile, the prophet Amos had rebuked wealthy ones in Israel for their "houses of ivory" and for their "lying down on couches of ivory." (Amos 3:15; 6:4) The fancy houses and decorated furniture did not last. Those things were plundered by enemy conquerors. Yet, years later, after an exile of 70 years, many of God’s people had not learned from this. Will we? It would be fitting for each of us to ask: ‘Frankly, how much emphasis do I put on my home and its decoration? What about arranging for extra education to advance a career, though doing that would take up considerable time for a number of years, crowding out important aspects of my spiritual life?’—Luke 12:20, 21; 1 Timothy 6:17-19.
*** w06 4/15 pp. 27-28 pars. 13-14 Let Your Hands Be Strong ***Do you not agree that to continue enjoying divine blessings, we must resist seeking things for ourselves at the expense of Jehovah’s worship? That is so whether the activity or interest diverting our attention is the pursuit of wealth, get-rich-quick schemes, ambitious plans for advanced education to have a desirable career in this system, or programs for personal fulfillment.
Such things may not be sins in themselves. However, do you not see that from the standpoint of everlasting life, those really are "dead works"? (Hebrews 9:14) In what sense? They are spiritually dead, vain, and fruitless. If one persists in them, such works could lead to spiritual death. It happened to some anointed Christians in the apostles’ day. (Philippians 3:17-19) It has happened to some in our time. You may know of some who were gradually distracted from Christian activities and from the congregation; now they show no inclination to return to Jehovah’s service. We certainly hope that such ones will return to Jehovah, but the fact is that pursuing "dead works" can result in the loss of Jehovah’s favor and blessing. You can see how sad a development that would be. It would mean the loss of the joy and peace that God’s spirit produces. And imagine what a loss it would be not to share in the warm Christian brotherhood!—Galatians 1:6; 5:7, 13, 22-24.
*** w06 5/1 pp. 24-25 par. 13 Jehovah Trains Shepherds for His Flock ***education, but it is his knowledge of the Scriptures and how he applies it that help make him an effective shepherd. Consider Jesus’ example. He was the most knowledgeable, the most discerning, and the wisest spiritual shepherd ever to walk the earth; yet, even he did not rely on his own wisdom when teaching Jehovah’s sheep. He said: "What I teach is not mine, but belongs to him that sent me." Why did Jesus give credit to his heavenly Father? He explained: "He that speaks of his own originality is seeking his own glory."—John 7:16, 18.
*** w06 8/1 pp. 13-14 Our Family United at Last! ***The boys were now teenagers and began pushing for independence. I spent many hours reasoning with them on Scriptural principles, and Jehovah helped them through that difficult time. On leaving high school, Tomoyoshi began to pioneer. He was able to help four people to dedication and baptism during his first few years of pioneering. Masahiko followed his brother’s example and started to pioneer right after secondary school. He helped four young people to become Witnesses in his first four years of pioneering.
Thanks for these quotes! It shows the pressure is still on.
The ORg realizes or is afraid when a individual in the borg becomes educated their eyes are opend the blinders come off and they see the org for what it is and they leave .... , and they are more able to leave now since they have a LIFE , ADD to that if a kid goes for higher education they are treated like crap by everyone in the hall. the kid is not invited out if he is a boy no handling of the mikes, you can still be in the school.....so what typically happens the kid that goes to college is not invited out , treated poorly, the kid is lonely eventaully leaves the 'truth" and then everone in the hall says " SEE he/she left the truth because they went to college" NO not because they went to college but because they learned the Truth regarding the Truth and they saw and experienced how the congreagation treated them
Awake 3-8-98 pg 19
theBibleDiscourageEducation?"It is only the ignorant who despise education." —Publilius Syrus, MoralSayings, first century B.C.E.
THE Bible urges us to "safeguard practical wisdom and thinking ability." (Proverbs 3:21) Jehovah, the God of knowledge, wants his worshipers to be educated people. (1 Samuel 2:3; Proverbs 1:5, 22) Yet, some statements in the Bible might raise questions. For example, referring to his former pursuits, including his higher education, the apostle Paul wrote: "I consider it all as mere garbage." (Philippians 3:3-8, Today’sEnglishVersion) In another inspired letter, he asserted: "The wisdom of this world is foolishness with God."—1 Corinthians 3:19.
I have a feeling those two quotes from the Bible are grossily misquoted.
I think they discourage higher education because it interferes with preaching and attending meetings a lot, they want your butts under thier noses 24/7.
Also that in universities, they offer theology courses which may tempt a JW. And in there they might discover how off track Watchtower doctrine is with the Bible, or that the Bible is not as infallable as it seems. Also they would learn things in Psychology and Science classes that go against WTS teachings, espcecially on homosexuality and human civilizations before 6,000 years ago.
In other words education is poision to blind faith. Think of the movie, "The village".
And there is the concern they might attend a "Cristiendom" afficiated university, that would teach them "Christiendom" teachings, and expose them to filthy "Christiendom" people.