. . . and gets results.
Well, it's not as smarmy as the Alec Baldwin story because the teen is a 19-year-old who lives her own life at my expense . . . and disrespected me; so, I decided, enough is enough. . . Since she knows everything and thinks it's stupid to pay attention to a tornado watch, she can go live with her boyfriend now, was my reasoning.
Besides, she had already disregarded quite a few of my reasonable requests for that weekend (wash at least one load of her own massive laundry pile and tidy her room a bit so it won't be a fire hazard, etc.). So, out I started hauling her things to bring to boyfriends' place. Roommate of boyfriend was like,"she's not living here. Please don't leave her stuff here." Believe me, nothing's scarier to daughter's friends and loved ones than all of her junk!
Well, I complied and made it clear to daughter and her boyfriend that I "will NOT be disrespected again" in that way, while I'm providing the care and support, etc. I kept it terse and to the point.
Well, a few days later, when the daughter's boyfriend was here for an overnight visit - (before which he had been offered a ride home) - daughter asks if they can have my bed (because it's bigger). Talk about nerve! If I couldn't laugh to myself, I'd just scream.
Anyway, she has some new shelves and her room is a bit tidier and she's gotten a bit of laundry done - until the next time . . .