So how much did you give?

by ozziepost 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • ozziepost

    The WTS is regularly criticising churches for their financial giving and portray themselves in this "holier than thou' light on their website:

    What financial contributions are expected of those attending meetings of Jehovah's Witnesses?

    Regarding money contributions, the apostle Paul said: "Let each one do just as he has resolved in his heart, not grudgingly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver." ( 2 Corinthians 9:7 ) At the Kingdom Halls and convention auditoriums of Jehovah's Witnesses, no collections are ever taken. Boxes are placed so that it is convenient for any who wish to contribute to do so. No one knows what or if others give. Some are able to give more than others; some may not be able to give anything. Jesus showed the right view when he commented on the treasury box at the temple in Jerusalem and those contributing: It is one's capacity to give and the spirit of giving that count, not the amount of money.— Luke 21:1-4 .

    So, how much did you give them for the WWW?
  • fullofdoubtnow
    At the Kingdom Halls and convention auditoriums of Jehovah's Witnesses, no collections are ever taken. Boxes are placed so that it is convenient for any who wish to contribute to do so.

    Maybe they don't pass the plate, but they certainly do remind everyone of their obligation to contribute financially to the org. I remember at every circuit or one day assembly, we would be told that the receipts for the assembly was so much, and the cost was always at least £1000 more, so we were admonished to make up the shortfall, despite the fact that we owned the assembly hall, and the only real expenses were amenities like gas, electricity and water charges. And I used to fall for it, and put another few £££ in the box.

    I have no idea how much I contributed over the years, but it was far too much, that's for sure. They won't get any more.


  • blondie

    I never asked for donations at the door when I was going...too embarrassing. So there was nothing to give to the WWW. And since I donated nothing for the "free" literature....

    I did give money for lights, phone, heat, A/C, cleaning supplies but not a dime for the worldwide work.

    I understand that the WTS kept track of how much literature congregations ordered and compared it to the www donations. Not enough, the elders got a letter telling them to cough up more dough.


  • ozziepost
    Not enough, the elders got a letter telling them to cough up more dough.

    Interesting that they should decide what was "not enough"; if the literature was truly free, how can they determine how much is not enough? I suspect the yardstick is still what was remembered from the days when there was a 'price' on the literature.

    A bit like reporting, the WTS will deny there's such a thing as a quota of hours but local BOE still use the (very old) yardstick of ten hours a month to determine who's "weak".

  • Save My Soul
    Save My Soul

    I never asked for donation at the door as well.

    I only give my children a dollar for the box every meeting.

    That is the reason they enjoy going. Participation.

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