when a birthday is a birthday

by winnie 6 Replies latest social humour

  • winnie

    My sister had a baby recently and on the day she was born they whole jw community come to the hospital gave presents cards balloons flowers all on her real birthday I pointed this out to them they were celebrating the childs birthday and as usual they pointed the finger at me and my warped thinking my mother went so far as to say that i needed professional help

    so is the day a child is born a birthday and as such should jws celebrate it

  • Crumpet

    Spot on Winnie- you should have just turned up and opened your bible to Ecclesiates and read aloud "The Day of ones death is better than the day of ones birth." Looked around ominously and made your exit.

    then popped in and grinned and said Just Kidding - Happy Birthday baby! That would have had them all puzzled!

  • dedpoet

    Well done winnie, though I think they'd probably be able to squeeze out of
    that one by pointing out that card manufacturers birthday cards start at one
    years old, not nought, so no one really has a 0 years of age birthday.

    Perhaps for future birthday celebrations, you could point out you're not
    celebrating a birthday, but the anniversary of the birth, and jws are fine with
    anniversaries. I've used that one on jws before, and it's quite funny seeing
    them try to prove what's wrong with the theory.


  • IP_SEC

    You are not crazy winnie. They are idiots.

  • purplesofa

    when i had my daughter it was like a huge party in the hospitol

    I loved it.


  • barry

    If I remember correctly the chinese count from conception to get the birthday so at 3months the baby is already one year old.

  • janedoe

    I loved the Eccl. quote.....if you said that to them, right there at the hospital, that would really freak them out.

    I never thought about all those presents a new mother gets, ON THE DAY OF THE BIRTH (otherwise known as a 'birthday' to everyone else in the REAL world).

    You are not crazy. They are.

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