What IS the "Worldwide Order"?

by Doug Mason 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Doug Mason
    Doug Mason

    The more I uncover, the more I realize how little I really know.

    After putting my org chart together, I have a question: “who or what is this ‘Worldwide Order’?”

    If this is the formal name of the full-time members within the overall organization, what is the name of the overall organization? Could it be something like “New World Society”?

    I understand that names such as “Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society” and “International Bible Students association” are identities created to satisfy the legal requirements of a State. This gives legal status to the entity, permitting it to operate its religious activities within that jurisdiction. When a state/country does not legally recognize a name such as WTBTS or IBSA, the organization might be forced to operate clandestinely. That is, it appears to me that the name WTBTS or IBSA is an identity employed to facilitate the religious operations.

    Does this mean that “the Worldwide Order” is name of the religious body that operates behind these legally required terms?

    The “Worldwide Order” (the “Order”) includes all of the organization’s full-time operatives, numbering about 20,000. The Order includes Circuit Overseers and Special Pioneers, but not Substitute Circuit Overseers. (I know this is nothing new to you guys, but I am trying to catch up from the outside with your knowledge.)

    Does this mean “the Order” is a full-time “Class” of about 20,000 that manages the operations of a “Class” of part-timers?

    Are there women in the “Order”? If so, do they strike a glass ceiling as they climb the tree?

    A member of “the Order” would not need to be anointed, but this is irrelevant, since every “Witness” has “holy spirit”. And not every anointed would need to be a member of “the Order”.

    When I read about the religious claims made before a US court by a JW congregation, I read that they built a house for use by the “Order”. (http://www.publications.ojd.state.or.us/TC4708A.htm : “[name] has taken vows of poverty, lifelong service, and obedience to the Order, as did the nuns in House of Good Shepherd, (vows of poverty, service, and obedience), and the priest in Roman Catholic Archdiocese, (vows of marriage to church, service, and obedience), and because the Order promises its members housing in return, [name] must live where the Order sends him.” )

    So, is my understanding of “the Order” going along the correct pathway?


  • Atlantis



    The (Order Of Special Full Time Servants) are referred to in these Watchtower Yearbooks:

    1. Yearbook/1995/pages 5-6/
    2. Yearbook/1996/pages 8-9/
    3. Yearbook/1997/page-28/
    4. Yearbook/1998/page-29/
    5. Yearbook/1999/page-27/
    6. Yearbook/2000/page-47/
    7. Yearbook/2001/page-26/

    Here are the quotes from the above Yearbooks:
    1995 Yearbook pages 5-6/ states:

    Among the full-time workers were 15,145 members
    of the global Bethel family. They help to provide literature,
    supervision, and other beneficial services in support of
    the worldwide work of Bible education. Of these, 5,082 serve
    at the world headquarters in Brooklyn, New York, and at
    nearby facilities. All of them are members of the
    Order of Special Full-Time Servants, a (religious order)
    that is devoted exclusively to the ministry.

    1996 Yearbook pages 8-9/ states: Among those in full-time service are 16,468 Bethel
    family members around the globe. Of this number,
    5,709 serve at the world headquarters; all of these
    are members of the Order of Special Full-Time Servants.

    1997 Yearbook page 28/ states: There are 5,581 volunteers who serve at the world
    headquarters on a regular basis; all of these are members
    of the Order of Special Full-Time Servants. All together,
    there are 16,966 Bethel family members around the globe.
    Housing is provided for them in the Society's facilities.

    1998 Yearbook page 29/ states: Altogether, there are 16,982 volunteers who regularly
    work at the Society's headquarters and branch facilities
    worldwide. Because of the circumstances under which
    they serve, these Bethel family members are all included
    in the Order of Special Full-Time Servants.

    1999 Yearbook page 27/ states: As the number of publishers increases—and 316,092
    more were baptized this past year—additional branch
    facilities are also required. At present, 17,781 in Bethel
    families around the earth render service as members of
    the Order of Special Full-Time Servants.

    2000 Yearbook page 47/ states: The increase in the number of praisers of Jehovah in
    many lands has also made the building of new branch
    offices necessary. Such branch offices, as well as the
    world headquarters, are staffed by Bethel family members,
    who are included in the Order of Special Full-Time Servants.

    2001 Yearbook page 26/ states: Such facilities worldwide are staffed by a total of 19,587
    ordained ministers, all of whom are members of the
    Order of Special Full-Time Servants.




    You can find references in these Yearbooks:

    1. Yearbook/2003/page-30/
    2. Yearbook/2004/page-30/

    Here are the quotes from those above Yearbooks:

    2003 Yearbook page 30/ states: Worldwide, a total of 19,823 ordained ministers
    staff such branch facilities. All are members of the
    Worldwide Order of Special Full-Time Servants of Jehovah's Witnesses.

    2004 Yearbook page 30/ states: Worldwide, a total of 19,848 ordained ministers
    staff such branch facilities. All are members of the
    Worldwide Order of Special Full-Time Servants of
    Jehovah's Witnesses. Nevada-

  • The Dragon
    The Dragon

    Are servants masters or slaves...are they leaders or followers?

  • yaddayadda

    Wow, I was a JW for 30 years and never once heard of this special 'order' of full-time JW's. Thanks.

  • cultswatter

    kinda sounds masonic to me

  • IsaacJS2
    Wow, I was a JW for 30 years and never once heard of this special 'order' of full-time JW's. Thanks.

    Same here. Anyone know anything about this? Could be interesting.


  • yesidid

    Hi Doug

    Sorry to take so long to get back. Life just got in the way.

    I believe the "Worldwide Order" is all Bethel members and DO's and CO's.

    It was instituted in the late 80's or early 90's if I remember correctly, it was then they all had to take the vow of poverty.

    It was done for legal (money) reasons, and yes women are in the order. It's not a position or authority thing, just legal.


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