I married a JW convert. Looking back it was if she related to me and the kids like we were a duty Like she was reading a scrip on how to relate to us. Like her love ( if you can call it that ) depended on how well we performed as witnesses. And she was hard on herself too Never felt good enough When she joined the Witnesses she said that "the brothers were all so good she could have married any one of them".Like I was just one from the heard of available bulls.The traditional marriage vows talk of forsaking all others Not my experience the elders the GB were in bed with us Does not lend itself to one flesh intimacy. Can anyone else relate to what I am saying?
In bed with a WT clone
by Axeman 3 Replies latest jw friends
If my wife said to me she could have chose "any of the bulls at the hall" and chose me ..I would tell her she chose me because she was a stupid cow....he he
LOL, ninja
Axeman, I can't relate to that as a spouse, I was never married to a witness. However, I was engaged twice to JW men. One was superspiritual and was only interested because I was a regular pioneer and would be a credit to him. The other made me feel guilty because he was living such an extreme double life. Either way the relationship was more tied to the witnesses than tied to each other.
A mirror image of your experience.
It's as if they're reluctant to let go of some 'religious list in their head'. Intimacy is not on the menu in realtime. All this conditioning about what it's ok to think /do / not do takes any relaxed free-love away. And if the occasional time goes too well it's as if guilt is in the air. Crazy - I don't believe it really, looking back. What a ballacher! Makes a person feel so matter of fact and rejected it's shocking. That religion takes the life out of living for a lot of people! And in everywhich way imaginable. Planting ideas in partners heads they then can't discuss with them in case they turn their minds to sinful desire or some crazy version of it! Give me a break!