A succinct description of how 'love-bombing' and indoctrination work: http://www.truthdig.com/report/item/jesus_love_bombs_you/
"Jesus 'Love-Bombs' You"
by Ingenuous 3 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Clickable - http://www.truthdig.com/report/item/jesus_love_bombs_you/
The convert is gradually drawn into a host of church activities by his or her new friends, leaving little time for outside socializing. But the warmth soon brings with it new rules. When you violate the rules, you sin, you flirt with rebellion, with becoming a “backslider,” someone who was converted but has fallen and is once again on the wrong side of God. And as the new converts are increasingly invested in the church community, as they cut ties with their old community, it is harder to dismiss the mounting demands of the “discipler” and church leaders. The only proper relationship is submission to those above you, the abandonment of critical thought and the mouthing of thought-terminating clichés that are morally charged. “Jesus is my personal Lord and Savior” or “the wages of sin are death” is used to end all discussion.
Sounds like a cult to me.
Dave -
You just somewhat described the definition of this forum. Start telling the XJW's here, that they're wrong and liars, and watch the attacks unfold.
My point is not to get so caught up in defining who is who. Many people with faith don't fall into that summary of religious people.